Dorm Life

Dorm Life

Luther College High School nurse’s office is staffed by a registered nurse from 7:30am – 11:30am Monday through Friday. During these hours, students may see the nurse for any of their health-related concerns. The nurse provides routine nursing care, referrals to the school physician or community resources and emergency medical care as needed.


If a dormitory student is ill, it is their responsibility to see the nurse before missing class. Students are to contact the nurse through the REACH app before 7:30am.   The nurse will then see your student on morning dorm rounds. (Note: The school nurse cannot excuse a student from a class that has already been missed.) Students who become sick when the nurse is unavailable are to see the Deans or RAs. Dorm students excused from class due to illness cannot participate in extra-curricular activities that day. Attending study hours is permitted if they are feeling better. NOTE: In cases of extended illness, the student should contact their teacher.

Medical Information

Student Health Record Form: Fill the form out in Open Apply.

Our role as “In loco parentis”, we assume the responsibility for your student living in the dorms at Luther College High School. Therefore, it is important you provide accurate information on the Student Health History form so the nurse can continue any necessary health care while in the residence. The nurse will set up all medical appointments and the deans will set up vision, dental and orthodontic appointments as needed. Students are responsible for paying their cab fare to and from any appointment.

Immunization Record: All new dorm students must submit a copy of their original immunization record or upload a copy in Open Apply. A copy of the immunization record will be sent to Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA) as Public Health will advise if the student qualifies for any routine vaccines. To ensure that a complete immunization record is maintained every immunization administered to an individual will be documented by Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA) Public Health into a secure electronic provincial immunization registry, known as Panorama. Panorama is used in Saskatchewan to record and manage immunization records and the health information related to immunization. Immunization records may be shared with other health care professionals to provide public health services; assist with diagnosis and treatment; and to control the spread of vaccine preventable diseases. Information about Panorama is detailed in the  Protecting the Privacy of Your Immunization Record fact sheet.

Consent: For vaccines recommended, the nurse will attempt to get a parental consent via email or in person, when your student moves into the dorms.  Fact sheets on each vaccine will be provided in English and if needed in the student’s main language. If the nurse is unable to contact a parent, your student can sign for any vaccine as a mature minor (age 13 years and older with a clear understanding for what they are consenting for).

Routine Vaccines: If your student requires any routine vaccines, the nurse will book appointments at SHA Public Health. There is no cost for this service.

Influenza Vaccinations: It is highly recommended for all dorm students to receive the influenza vaccination in October each school year unless for health reasons your student is not eligible. The school nurse will arrange for the vaccine to be given on campus.

Travel Vaccines and Malaria medication: The nurse may refer to the Dieppe Pharmacy or SHA-Travel Health Centre as needed.

After completion of any vaccine the student will be given a copy of their immunization record and advised to keep it with their passport.


Dorm students requiring medication must have their medication in a pharmacy or manufacturer-labelled container with the student’s name, dose, and administration directions.  For supplements, herbal, and alternative therapies a parent/guardian will need to give verbal or written authorization for the nurse to administer. Note the school nurse will not refer a student to a naturopath or homeopath unless initiated by the parent/guardian.

Pharmacy: The student’s prescription will be moved to Dieppe Pharmacy for easy access and delivery. A parent or student credit card and/or drug plan information must be kept on file at Dieppe Pharmacy to pay for any medication purchases. Note: According to the Saskatchewan College of Physicians, family physicians are unable to prescribe to a family member.

Safety:  No medications can be kept in student’s rooms. All medication will be locked in the nurse’s office where dosages can be monitored and given to the student as ordered. Medication will be given back to the student during school breaks and summer vacation. **Exception: Students who carry emergency medication (inhalers, EpiPens, Diabetic supplies etc.) In some situations, the school nurse and parent/guardian may deem self-administration of medication appropriate based on the student’s health status, reliability, and availability of safe storage.

Medication Standing Orders: The school’s physician has approved a variety of over-the-counter medication that the nurse can give for minor illnesses. These orders are reviewed by the doctor and signed yearly.

Disposal of Medication: All unused, discontinued, or outdated medication will be taken to the pharmacy for disposal.

Saskatchewan Health Card: International students are required to apply, or reapply, for Saskatchewan health insurance. Dorm staff will help with the initial application procedure. Please be sure your student has a Study Permit and Visa in order. This process can take several weeks, and the student will be responsible for paying for health-related costs while waiting for insurance to be processed. A typical visit to the doctor costs $70.00. These expenses will be reimbursed once the health card is activated. Receipts for prescription medication can be mailed to the parents upon request for the purposes of private health claims and/or income tax.

Mental Health Resources

Homewood Health App:

Luther College High School has two counsellors and a school nurse. If your student needs to talk to a counselor, they can set up an appointment by emailing the counselor or by going to student services.  No appointments are needed to see the nurse. The Homewood Health App also has counselors available to talk with dorm students. The deans can help with setting up appointments.

Severe medical and psychological conditions: Most medical conditions can be accommodated at Luther College High School. Students with medical or psychological conditions will continue to be followed by the student’s family physician or the school physician. All referrals for medical follow-up or counseling will be accommodated. In the event of significant medical or psychological conditions (severe depression, eating disorders, suicide attempts, and substance abuse are some examples) where it is deemed an emergency that requires immediate treatment, support or supervision, emergency medical services will be activated, or the student will be taken to the hospital.

Medical Emergency Protocol: Parents are advised to notify the school if their student has a high-risk medical condition (history of anaphylaxis, diabetes or other medical conditions that potentially could lead to a medical emergency) by contacting the main office, school nurse or filling out the Student Health History form in Open Apply. The nurse will contact the parent of a high-risk student for any medical instructions and to advise that faculty will be made aware of their student’s medical condition and potential treatment.

During a medical emergency at Luther:

1. Someone will always stay with the student.

2. The student’s medical plan will be carried out according to the directions given by the parent/guardian/physician:

  • For an anaphylactic reaction: The student’s EpiPen will be administered. If the reaction continues to worsen a second dose will be administered 5 minutes later and a 3rd dose in another 5 min if needed.
  • For a severe asthmatic attack: The student’s inhaler(s) will be administered immediately.
  • For all other high risk medical conditions: Medication will be given, or treatment provided according to directions given by parent/guardian/physician.

3. 911 will be called for medical emergencies that cannot be resolved at school. **If an EpiPen is administered, the student must be transported to the hospital even if symptoms have subsided.

4. The school nurse will be notified (If in the building).

5. The parents/guardian will be notified.

Note: All costs associated with medical treatment will be the parent’s responsibility and employees are not responsible for any adverse reactions resulting from administration of emergency medication.

To comply with PIPEDA and HIPA privacy legislation:

A student’s health, medical information and personal information is confidential, however the consent a parent signs on the Student Health Record form, allows for sharing of medical information with the Deans, RAs, or faculty, if it is in the best interest of the studentFor dorm students the nurse may access their confidential medical file in eHR Viewer to provide comprehensive medical care. eHR Viewer is a secure provincial (eHealth) electronic database that the nurse may use to retrieve medical information on a student regarding prescribed medication, laboratory or medical test results, clinical encounters with a physician or hospital, immunizations, and chronic disease management. Contact the school nurse if you need further information regarding the nurse’s access to your student’s confidential medical file.


Regular School Days
7:15-8:45 am
Join us in the cafeteria for breakfast before class. On days when school starts at a different time, the breakfast time will adjust accordingly.
7:30 am    Sick call: Sign on the sheet in your dorm hallway if you’re sick. The nurse will come and see you. (If you miss signing, you must find the nurse, and let her know before school starts.) If you do not see the nurse and you are not at school, it will be counted as an unexcused absence.
8:45 am-3:00 pm
To encourage students to connect with other students and to get involved in school activities, the dorms will be closed during the day. Grade 12 Students in good standing, may earn the privilege of daily access.
9:00-10:00 am
Every Wednesday mornings, room inspections are done to make sure students are keeping their rooms tidy. You will be given a list of things to clean for room checks. Failure to clean = 1hour Work Duty and loss of technology for the following day.
11:30 am-1:15 pm
(Time depends on your class schedule)
The kitchen staff will provide you with a bagged lunch if you need one. Please ask them well in advance so that they have time to prepare one for you. NOTE – meals must be eaten in the cafeteria. Dorm Students are not allowed to eat meals in their rooms.
5:30-6:15 pm
Supper is not served later than 6:15 pm. If you are going to be late you can request a late supper by asking the kitchen staff ahead of time. They will leave your meal in the cafeteria refrigerator. 
6:30-7:30 pm
Additional study hours are for students who are struggling in any classes. If you are required to attend additional study hours, report to the library at 6:30 pm with relevant homework. Library computers and printer are available during this time.
8:00-9:30 pm
No Sign out allowed after 8:00 pm
All students are required to be at the school for study hours. Students should be in their rooms with their doors propped open. 
9:30-9:55 pm
Join your friends in the cafeteria for socializing and a snack before bed.
10:00 pm
(Lock up)
Everyone must be in the dorms at this time. Quiet hours.
10:30 pm
Electronics curfew. All phones and electronics must be locked up. Room checks, internet curfew and no visitors in rooms.
11:00 pm
Goodnight. Please leave your doors unlocked so RAs can do room checks.
Same as weekday schedule until:
6:30 -11:00 pm
The gym is usually open Friday nights. Check with the RA on duty to see when it open and closes. There are often dorm activities Friday nights as well.
11:00 pm
12:00 am
All Grade 9/10 students must be back at the school by 11 pm. Grade 11/12 students must be back by 12 am. If you are late for curfew you will be given consequences. 
1:30 am
Goodnight! Please leave your door unlocked so that RAs can do room checks. 
9:30 am
There is a cold breakfast available on Saturdays and Sundays. If you want continental breakfast you must request it from the RAs.
12:00-12:45 pm
Join your friends for a tasty weekend brunch. If you sleep through brunch, the RA on duty will probably wake you up! 
The library opens on Saturday afternoons for students to study, or print assignments. Please ask the RA at brunch if you would like to use the library. Saturday afternoon is also a time for students to do work duty. If you have any hours, expect to work them off Saturday afternoon. 
5:30-6:15 pm
The library opens on Saturday afternoons for students to study, or print assignments. Please ask the resident assistant at brunch if you would like to use the library. Saturday afternoon is also a time for students to do work duty. If you have any hours, expect to work them off Saturday afternoon.
5:30 – 6:15 pm
Please sign out on REACH if you will off campus for supper.
7:00 – 10:00 pm        Open gym – there is usually gym time on Saturday evenings.
11:00 pm
12:00 am
Please be in the dorm on time!
1:00 am
Goodnight! Please leave your door unlocked so that RAs can do room checks.
Same as Saturday schedule until:
7:00 pm
Every Sunday evening, room inspections are done to make sure students have thoroughly cleaned their rooms. You will be given a list of things to clean for room checks. 
9:30-9:55 pm
Join your friends in the cafeteria for socializing and a snack before bed.
10:00 pm
Quiet hour. Make sure you are ready for school tomorrow!
10:30 pm
Internet is off and all electronics are turned in. Time to head to your own room and get ready for bed. 
11:00 pm
Goodnight. Leave your door unlocked for RAs to do room checks.
On stat holidays, the schedule shifts to the Saturday schedule with brunch at 12 pm. Curfew and lights out the night before are the same as a Saturday.
On school holidays, brunch is at 12 pm. Curfew and lights out the night before is at 11pm. 


Resident Assistant (RA) on Duty

  • Two RAs or Deans—one male, one female—will always be on duty.
  • On weekdays, the Deans will be on duty until 4:30 p.m.
  • Weekday evening RA shifts begin at 4:30 p.m. and end at 7:30 a.m. the following morning.
  • Weekend RA shifts begin at 4:30 p.m. on Friday and end at 7:30 a.m. Monday morning. 

Library Supervisor

Monday through Thursday, from 6:30 to 9:30, a Library Supervisor will assist students who need extra homework supervision.  The Library Supervisor is there to monitor students and provide students with any help they may need. 


Since we have students from all over the world, we encourage everyone to speak English as often as possible. This will help our dorm community grow closer and improve the English proficiency of ESL students. Please respect the fact that other people might not understand your language and may be excluded from your conversation when you are not speaking English. 


During the day, there will be no access to your dorms. Doors are locked at the start of school and will re-open at 3:00 p.m. If you have an emergency and need to go back to your room, you must speak to the Dean on duty. You must remember to take all books, binders and gym clothes for the day. Every student has a locker and lock to safely store belongings during the school day.


Before leaving campus, all students must sign out on REACH and have their sign out approved. They must also sign in upon return. Students must sign in even if they plan on leaving again. Students may go to Mr. Sub or the convenience store across the street without signing out.

Sign-outs to the home of another student or friend will be allowed if the parent/adult contacts the RA or Dean on duty to confirm the invitation, and that there will be adult supervision.

Signing out/in is very important to help us keep students safe. Therefore, failure to sign out or in will be treated seriously and students will be given appropriate consequences.


Students may spend the night off campus when there is no school the next day. Only the Head Dean can approve these sign outs. An overnight sign-out requires the following the day before the sign out:

  • The name and location of the destination
  • Confirmation of supervision from the Adult at the destination
  • Parent/guardian and overnight sign-out destination approval must be given to the Dean by Thursday at 10:00 p.m.  This may be done via text, phone call, or email.
  • School approval of sign-out destination
  • The student must be in good standing (academic and behaviour).

Acceptable overnight sign out locations include:

  • Home of parent/guardian
  • Parents of Luther students
  • The home of a known responsible adult who will be present and accept responsibility for the student

Some parents/guardians may wish to provide a list of pre-approved overnight sign out destinations. This means the parent would not have to approve the overnight sign out each time.

For extended breaks like Christmas or Easter, parents must notify the Deans about overnight sign outs or holiday leaves 2 weeks prior to the break.


Dorm students may wish to have guests stay with them overnight in the dorms if there is no school the following day. The procedure for having a visitor sign into the dorm overnight is the same as an overnight sign out. The Dean must be given permission by the parent/guardian of the visitor the day before the overnight (by Thursday for a Friday night).


Visitors of dorm students must sign in with the RA on Duty when they arrive and sign out when they leave. The dorm student must accompany his or her visitor(s) at all times. Unaccompanied visitors will be asked to leave.

Note – day students are not allowed in the dorm lounge during school hours.


The dorms can be a lively place on occasion but during study hours and after 10 pm we ask students to observe quiet. This is out of respect for other students and staff who want to study or sleep. 


It is natural that dorm students develop romantic relationships with other students. We expect students to cultivate healthy, respectful relationships with each other.  Kissing, hugging and touching may make others uncomfortable. Inappropriate or sexual displays of affection as well as sexting and explicit photos are not acceptable. Such behaviour will result in consequences, depending on the seriousness of the offense.


Many students spend countless hours playing video games. Dorm staff will monitor time spent playing video games and limit this time when necessary for the benefit of the student. This might include requiring students to hand in electronics at various times.


Harassment or abuse of any kind (physical, verbal, racial, sexual, homophobic, etc.) will not be tolerated and will be dealt with as a major disciplinary issue. Harassment and abuse are against the law and will not be tolerated. This includes threats and implied harassment. It also includes using a telephone, social media, email, or other Internet platform to threaten, intimidate, bully, or coerce other people. Students who feel harassed should inform a RA, counselor, teacher, or administrator.

*Note – we abide by City of Regina bylaws relating to harassment and bullying.


The cafeteria staff works hard to provide healthy, tasty meals to suit the tastes of all students. If you have a suggestion for a meal, please let the cooks know. If you like a meal, tell the cooks!

  • Late/Early Meals – If you need to eat late or early for any reason, please inform the cafeteria staff well ahead of time so they can make arrangements for you. You can also ask the RA on Duty to arrange this for you.
  • Bagged Lunches – Bagged lunches are available for students who are traveling or who must take lunch with them. Again, inform the cafeteria staff well ahead of time so that they can accommodate you.

Generally, two dorm activities will be organized each month, usually on the weekends. There is no cost for these activities for dorm students and attendance is voluntary. Students are encouraged to attend at least one activity per month. Examples include bowling, movie nights, swimming, laser tag, skiing, karaoke, gym activities and games.

If you have suggestions for dorm activities, please let dorm council or the Deans know.


Room assignments and changes are the responsibility of the Deans. Room changes require his or her permission and are not always granted. Deans spend a considerable amount of time ensuring the mix and balance of the dorms is as good as possible and changes will be accommodated only if they benefit the entire dorm community. Due to changes in the dorm situation, students may be required to move during the year.

*Note – students are not guaranteed single rooms. Students should expect to have a roommate.


When students move in, a Dorm Staff will complete a Room Condition Report (RCR). This form is used to assess room damages and will be used upon move-out, during or at the end of the school year, to determine if payment for damages is owed. The RA/Dean and student will both sign off on the agreed damages before any charges are leveled.


If your room requires maintenance, please tell the person on duty as soon as possible so it can get repaired. Students responsible for the damage may be required to pay for any replacement or labour costs.


Dorm students are required to keep their room neat and tidy at all times. Basic room checks will be done on Wednesday mornings and Sunday evening. On Sunday, a thorough cleaning of the room must be done. Dorm rooms will be checked in the evening to make sure the job has been done well. Students who have not properly cleaned their rooms may lose privileges, such as electronic devices, until the room is clean and/or receive work duty. Students signing out for the weekend, must leave their rooms clean and ready for inspection.


Every student is given a key to their room and a FOB for entrance to the dorm. If these are lost a replacement fee will be charged to the student: $50 for the key and $20 for the FOBDo not lend your key or FOB to others.

Student rooms must remain locked and lights off when not in the room. Luther is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Please prevent theft by keeping your room organized and locked. Every year students lose valuables from their room because they leave the door unlocked. Each student has a locking drawer for cash and valuables. Please use it!

*Note – room doors must remain unlocked at night due to the risk of a fire. This also prevents the RAs from making unnecessary noise and disturbing sleeping students when doing room checks at night.

  • Students are welcome to have a small fridge and snack food in their room. Cooking, however, is strictly forbidden as this can present a fire hazard. A kettle or noodle pot to boil water is the only acceptable cooking appliance. Other cooking appliances will be confiscated by the RAs.
  • You will be charged a fine for causing a false fire alarm due to steam from humidifiers or cooking in your room.
  • *See the information below in EMERGENCIES.

Students are welcome to use any of the common areas in the school. We expect, however, that students respect these facilities by keeping them clean and welcome to all students. Excessive noise is not welcoming; neither are public displays of affection.

  • Blue Room –students can use the Blue Room to practice piano during pre-arranged times. This is also great place to hang out with friends or do homework. If you move the furniture, move it back before you leave.
  • Dorm Lounge – Not available until after 3:15 due to ESL classes. Day students must be with a dorm student when using the dorm lounge.
  • Gym – students must wear gym shoes and athletic clothing when using the gym or weight room.
  • Library – the library is open for student use during school day and after school. In the evenings students may use the library from 6:30-9:30 pm.
  • Student Commons – is open for student use at any time. If you would like to work here during study hours, please ask the RA on duty before Study Hours.

Luther dorm/school staff are not responsible for personally driving students to activities, appointments, or other events.

Public transportation in Regina is safe and there is a bus stop across the street from the school. Dorm staff will ensure that all dorm students have taken a familiarity tour with the bus at the start of the school year and will give the students the opportunity to obtain an “R card” for using the transit system.

Taxis and Ubers are also readily available at the student’s expense. Students should have cash, debit card or credit card readily available.

Taxis services are no longer billed directly to the school and students should pay with debit, credit or cash at the time of service.

Regina Cabs (306) 543-3333

Co-op Taxis (306) 525-2727

Ubers can be booked online and families can set up teen accounts for their student as needed.

Students are encouraged to use public transportation whenever possible.

Boarding students with a valid driver’s license are permitted to have a personal car. Parking is available on campus for dorm students.

We believe that school should be a students’ first priority. Therefore, we treat all matters related to academics very seriously.


Deans maintain regular contact with students’ teachers to ensure all dorm students are succeeding to their full potential. If any teachers indicate that a dorm student is suffering from any academic red flags the Deans will make appropriate adjustments to the student’s nightly study routine. These red flags include: multiple missed/late assignments, failing grades, skipped classes, lack of motivation or effort, etc. Once a student has been identified to have one or more of these red flags the Deans will create study contracts that may require you to see a nightly tutor or other academic supports. Parents will notified when an academic red flag contract is created.


Study hours are a set time for students to complete their homework. This time is mandatory for all dorm students. If you are unable to be at study hours because of school events, or other circumstances. please notify the RA on Duty ahead of time. Unless you have permission to be elsewhere, you should be in your room with the door propped open or in the library during this time.

a. Study Schedule

  • Study hours ranges from 6:30-9:30pm. During this time you must complete 1.5hours of studying nightly.
  • You can choose to attend an earlier study session in the library from 6:30-8:00pm, this will be supervised by our library supervisor. The 6:30-8:00pm study session must be completed in the library.
  • You can also choose to study from 8:00-9:30pm. During this time you are expected to be in the library or in your room with the door propped open. 

b. Study Expectations

  • It is expected that you are actively working during this time.
  • Computer and cell phone use are monitored during this time. If you are wasting time on these devices, the RA may confiscate them
  • Doors must be propped open during this time.
  • You should be quite and respectful of other students

c. Exceptions

  • If you have signed an academic red flag contract it may override any of the above statements. Refer to your academic contract for detailed information regarding your individual study plan.

Students struggling to stay on top of their assignments may be placed in an evening group with an academic coach until they can manage on their own.


Students must wear appropriate clothing at all times (in and out of the dorm). Inappropriate content is not permitted (i.e. inappropriate slogans, words, pictures, drug/alcohol references) Consult the school dress code to find out what is acceptable to wear to class.


Dorm Students may print with their FOB in the library during library hours. The library is open on school days from 8:00 am – 4:30 pm and in the evenings from 6:30 – 9:30 pm.  You should arrange to print during these times. On weekends, ask the RA on Duty if you would like to use the library.


Please make sure to schedule flights around exam times. Exam dates are published early and can be found online on the Luther calendar. Exams will not be moved to accommodate flight arrangements for vacations, travelling, etc.


Chapel is a chance for Luther students to meet and grow as a community. Attendance at chapel is a requirement for all students, day and dorm. It takes place every day during Period 4. Students who skip chapel will be given consequences.


Attending class is an important step in every student’s academic success at Luther College. Skipping class is unacceptable and Deans will only excuse Dorm Students from class in exceptional circumstances. In order to best support students, we apply the following discipline process for absenteeism:

 2 Unexcused Lates   


Considered equivalent to 1 unexcused absence: Work duty + Additional Study Hours

1 Unexcused Absence

Work duty + Additional Study Hours

2 Unexcused Absences
(on separate days)

Work duty + Additional Study Hours

3 Unexcused Absences
(on separate days)

As above + Personal Plan + Parents Notified

If students have 3 or more absences in a semester, they will be required to create a personal plan to remedy the issue. This plan will be done in consultation with the Dean, and may include work duty, loss of privileges, loss of electronics, required physical activity, breakfast attendance, etc. It will also include consequences for not following the plan. The goal is to increase class attendance.

* PLEASE NOTE – if a student has 10 absences from a class, excused or unexcused, the teacher has the right to remove that student from the class.


Discipline is an inevitable part of RA-student relationships. The dorm discipline system is meant to serve as a guideline. RAs will do their best to be consistent but as with all situations involving humans, no two situations are exactly alike. All discipline will be dealt with confidentially and RAs and administration will deal with issues on a case-by-case basis, in a fair, consistent fashion. Whenever possible, consequences for infractions will attempt to match the offense.

Consequences for infractions are listed below.


Infraction Minimum Consequence
Improper sign out/Failure to sign in
Noise during quiet hours
Late for curfew or study hours***
Out of room or out of bed after Lights Out***
Swearing or inappropriate language
Missing from dorm meetings
1 hour work duty
Failed room cleanliness check Loss of devices and privileges until room is clean
Possession of tobacco paraphernalia (lighter, matches, pipe, bong, etc.) At minimum, Step 1
Possession or use of alcohol, marijuana, or illegal substances At minimum, Step 1
Burning candles, paper, incense, etc. At minimum, Step 1
Possession of weapons (knives, nunchuks, swords, firearms) At minimum, Step 2
Failure to check out of room properly Loss of all or part of room damage deposit
Disrespect/defiance to other students or RAs Work duty or Step as appropriate
Inappropriate/sexual behavior or in the dorm of the opposite sex At minimum Step 3, or expulsion as appropriate
Sneaking out of the dorm/ deceptive behavior Minimum Step 2


  • Minimum 5 hours of work duty
  • Gating until work duty is completed
  • Parents notified


  • Minimum 5 hours of work duty
  • Gating or suspension as deemed appropriate
  • Personal redemption plan developed
  • Parents notified


  • Minimum 5 hours of work duty
  • Gating or suspension as deemed appropriate
  • Behaviour contract developed and signed by student, Dean, vice-principal, and parent/guardian

***NOTE – dorm staff may confiscate electronics as a consequence (this includes cellphones, laptops, tablets, etc.)


Work Duty hours are handed out for everyday infractions. For more serious situations, Community Service hours are assigned. Work Duty hours can be worked off in and around campus by doing various jobs like sweeping, recycling, cleaning dishes, etc. Community Service hours are worked off in the community by volunteering at community organizations or events like thrifts stores, soup kitchens, charities, etc.


Credits are meant to reward students who are typically well behaved, but slip up from time to time. Work Duty Credits may be earned by attending various events or doing good deeds around the dorms. Deans and RAs give out Work Duty Credits at their discretion.


Gating means that students are restricted to campus as a disciplinary measure. When students receive gating, they are not allowed to leave the school for any reason without the express approval of the Head Dean. This includes going to Mr. Sub or the convenience store. Permission to attend special events may be granted by the Head Dean.


Luther College is committed to creating a campus that positively influences the health and well-being of students, staff, and faculty. According to Saskatchewan law, no person under the age of 18 is allowed to purchase tobacco in any form and no person under the age of 19 is allowed to purchase alcohol. Drug use is illegal for any age.


  • Use or possession of alcohol or drugs will be treated as an offence and appropriate consequences will be given. This may include Step 1, rehabilitation programs, and/or suspension or expulsion. Administrators, RAs, the school nurse, the school counsellor, and teachers will work closely with the student to provide opportunities to change such behaviour.
  • The school will provide students with an initial counselling session and students will be required to follow the recommended course of rehabilitation in consultation with parents/guardians.
  • Students who distribute or sell drugs will be expelled immediately at the school’s request and the family’s expense.
  • This policy applies to drug/alcohol use both on campus and off campus, including students who are 19 years of age or older.
  • Distributing/selling drugs or alcohol will result in expulsion.


  • Possession and/or use of tobacco and cannabis in any form on school property, at school activities, in vehicles, or while under the supervision of school employees is not permitted.
  • Parents will be notified if their child is found smoking or violating this policy.
  • Disciplinary measures will be taken in consultation with the school nurse, administrators, student, RAs, and parents/guardians.
  • E-cigarettes (vaping) of all forms are viewed in the same way as tobacco products and will be dealt with accordingly.

**Note – The school reserves the right to make final decisions regarding circumstances related to drug and/or alcohol use.

*** Note – Students who are struggling with alcohol, drugs, or tobacco are encouraged to approach the Deans or RAs about this. These students will be treated gently and with respect. Our goal is to help students find assistance in overcoming unhealthy lifestyle challenges.

Dorm Contacts

Please call these numbers first.