Security & Safety

What Parents & Students Need to Know

  • All threat making behaviour(s) must be reported to the school Principal/Vice-Principal who activates the ARTO protocol
  • Investigation may involve student services counsellors, the police of jurisdiction, or other community agencies
  • Investigation may involve locker and personal property searches
  • Interviews will be held with the students, threat maker, parents/guardians/caregivers and staff who may have information about the threat
  • Parents of students who are directly involved will be notified
  • Threatening behaviour may result in disciplinary action
  • An intervention plan may be developed for the student making the threat and a support plan developed for any individuals targeted by threats

What is a threat?

An expression of intent to do harm or act out violently against someone or something which may be verbal, written, drawn, posted on the Internet, or made by gestures. Luther College cannot ignore any threat of violence.

What is the purpose of an ARTO?

  • Ensure the safety of students, staff, parents/guardians/caregivers, and others
  • Ensure a full understanding of the context and level of the threat
  • Begin to understand factors that contribute to the threat maker’s behaviour
  • Be proactive in developing an intervention and support plan for the emotional and physical safety of the threat maker
  • Promote everyone’s emotional and physical safety

When will an ARTO be initiated?

A student ARTO will be initiated for threat making behaviors including:

  • Serious violence or violence with intent to harm or kill
  • Verbal/written threats to harm or kill others that are clear, direct and plausible
  • Online threats to harm or kill others
  • Possession of weapons (including replicas)
  • Bomb threats (including making and/or detonating explosive devices)
  • Fire setting
  • Hate motivated violence targeting a particular student/group
  • Sexual intimidation or assault
  • Chronic, pervasive, targeted bullying or harassment
  • Gang related intimidation and violence

Duty To Report

To ensure a safe, caring, accepting learning environment for all, staff, parents/caregivers, students and community members share an obligation to actively take steps to prevent violence, manage threats, and plan for safety.

Duty to Respond

Threats must be taken seriously, investigated, and include an appropriate response. Luther College will not accept a “no response” to a serious threat.

Our goal is to:

  • respond to threats quickly and professionally
  • maintain a multi-disciplinary ARTO team including the Principal, Vice Principal, counsellors and others
  • create and maintain partnerships with community resources such as:

  •         Regina Police Services
  •         City of Regina, Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services
  •         Regina Fire & Protective Services
  •         Regina Catholic School Division
  •         Ministry of Corrections, Policing and Public Safety
  •         Regina Public Schools
  •         Child & Youth Services, Saskatchewan Health Authority
  •         Regina Open Door Society
  •         Ministry of Social Services

  • engage all parties in the ARTO process
  • work with community partners by sharing information, advice, and support that reduces risk
  • respect an individual’s right to privacy and safety of all to the fullest extent possible when sharing information with committee members and community partners

Our process is based on the North American Centre for Threat Assessment and Trauma Response (NACTATR) model of Violence Threat/Risk Assessment.

Luther College places the utmost importance on safety and security on our campus. In an emergency situation, we have established processes to secure the safety of our students, staff and visitors within the school. Our goal is to create a safe and healthy learning environment with protocols that are constantly evolving.

In the event of a school closure or any emergency communication,  we will email all parents/guardians. Please check our website for a red alert bar on the home page.  

Luther College does not typically close for inclement weather, although bus cancellations may occur. Bus cancellation details are available here.

Luther College works closely with the Regina Police Service on emergency lockdown procedures. These are procedures that are enacted as the result of a threat inside or outside on or near school property. Students, faculty and staff will receive training and drills on what to do if a threat occurs within or near the school. In the event of a lockdown there will be an announcement on the P.A. system and students and staff will follow their safety protocols. Lockdowns will be lifted only by police.

Administration will secure the building in the event that police notify us of a dangerous situation or person(s) in our vicinity.  Classes will remain in effect. Students outside the classrooms will be asked to go to a classroom and wait. Exit doors will be watched by staff until a school administrator notifies them.

Students are required to exit the building when there is a fire alarm. Administration will allow students back in the school once it is safe to do so.

We regularly practice fire drills so that both students and faculty are prepared for such an incident as much as possible. Fire emergency protocol will also be posted throughout the dorms. All students should familiarize themselves with the protocol and participate in all drills.

Please note that tampering with fire alarms, exits, smoke detectors, or fire extinguishers is against the law and endangers students and staff living at the school. The City of Regina will be charging fines for fire alarms where no emergency exists. Students responsible for setting off fire alarms due to negligence (burning food in a microwave, vaping, cooking in rooms or unattended use of vaporizers) will be subject to a fine.

If students encounter a medical emergency they should stay with the person and immediately dial 911. If alone and without a cellphone the student should yell for assistance. All dorm staff are trained in emergency CPR and First Aid.

There is an Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) machine located outside of the Teachers’ Workroom door. Students should know where this is in case they must retrieve it in an emergency. All dorm staff is trained in the use of an AED.

Anytime a student feels they or someone else is in a threatening situation he or she should seek help immediately and let a staff member know as soon as possible. A student can always dial 911 to access emergency services (police, ambulance, fire, etc.