Capital Campaign
A Time to Build
A Time to Build is a transformative capital expansion and renewal project, critical to Luther College’s long-term viability and vision. New and upgraded facilities have strengthened our academic and extracurricular programs and enables us to continue to provide unforgettable memories and unparalleled learning experiences for future generations of students.
It’s an exciting time for Luther College High School. With over one hundred years of successful history behind us, we look forward to continuing as a leader in providing quality education into the future.
We invite you to come along and support A Time to Build and help Luther celebrate its next one hundred years.
Every gift to our Campaign is meaningful, large or small. And the spirit of our donors’ generosity will be felt by our students, faculty, staff, and community every day, for years to come
Our fundraising goal: $13.5 million
How much money have we raised?
Gifts and pledges secured by September 2017: $11, 272, 574
Read our September 2017 Update report
Make a Donation Now!
Luther's Charitable Registration No.: 107650061RR0001