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Course Descriptions

Christian Ethics
CourseChristian Ethics 9
Jesus and Christianity  
  • Jesus' roots and Judaism
  • life & teaching of Jesus
CourseChristian Ethics 10
The Study of Religion
  • Hinduism
  • Buddhism
  • Christianity
  • Islam
  • Judaism
  • Native spirituality
  • religious prejudice
  • mind-control groups
  • cults & cult manipulation
  • sustainability (optional)
CourseChristian Ethics 20
Christian Themes
  • basic life issues & spirituality
  • the Christian life
  • church history
  • basic Christian beliefs
  • morality
CourseChristian Ethics 30
The Individual in Society
  • Christian perspectives
  • social issues
  • sexuality
  • justice issues
  • personal morality
CourseIB Christian Ethics 20/30
Theoretical Basis of Knowledge
  • “How do we know?”
  • reflection on diverse ways of knowing & areas of knowledge
  • perception, reason, language & emotion
  • mathematics, natural sciences, human sciences, history, the arts & ethics
  • belief, certainty, culture, evidence, explanation, interpretation, intuition, technology, truth, values & biases
Computer Science
CourseComputer Science 20
Introductory Programming
  • introduction to computing and number systems
  • programming concepts: variables and branching, arrays and looping, functions and random numbers
  • HTML and CSS
  • scripting and dynamic HTML
CourseComputer Science 30
Intermediate Programming
  • review of programming concepts
  • drawing with canvases
  • introduction to networking
  • object-oriented programming
  • recursion and sorting
  • external files and visualization
CourseEnglish Language Arts A9 & B9
  • language studies through short stories, novels, myths, poetry, non-fiction and Shakespearean drama
  • analytical, oral & written skills
CourseEnglish Language Arts A10 & B10
  • the individual & society
  • Shakespeare’s Macbeth
  • formal writing skills
  • creative writing
CourseEnglish Language Arts 20
  • literature & the human experience
  • poems, stories, essays
CourseCommunication Studies 20
  • formal and informal oral and written communications
CourseEnglish Language Arts A30
  • Canadian literature
  • novels, poems & plays
  • independent drama productions
CourseEnglish Language Arts B30
  • American, British & world literature
  • novels, poems, plays
  • Shakespeare’s Hamlet
CourseIB English 20 (Higher Level)
  • fiction, poetry, drama
  • oral presentations
  • formal written essay
CourseIB World Literature 20 (Higher Level)
  • world literature in translation (3 works)
  • novels & plays
CourseIB English A30 (Higher Level)
  • specialized genre study (4 major works)
CourseIB English B30 (Higher Level)
  • text in depth (3 works)
  • prose and poetry
  • Shakespeare's Hamlet
Film Studies
CourseCommunication Media 10
  • introduction to film history
  • basic techniques of video filming, audio recording and digital editing
  • introduction to film theory (genres, styles and directing
  • production skills workshops and collaborative film production
CourseCommunication Media 20
  • continued development of camera, audio & editing skills
  • introduction to production management & design
  • screenplay writing
  • advanced production skills workshops and collaborative film production
CourseCommunication Media 30
  • film set protocols
  • Canadian film history, modern Canadian films, Indigenous film culture
  • independent study of a film director or genre
  • advanced production skills workshop and collaborative film production
CourseIB Film 20/30 (Standard Level)
  • flim history and international film studies
  • textual analyis of film - study of technique, directing styles, production design and cinematography
  • independent study of film history and/or theory
  • production skills in cinematography, directing, sound design, editing, writing and a finished film
Fine Arts
CourseDrama 9
  • improvisation
  • fundamentals of performance
  • collaborative theatre making
  • theatre genre study
CourseDrama 10
  • working with scripts
  • theatre production
  • collective creation
  • theatre history
CourseDrama 20/30
  • intermediate / advanced study of theatre production
  • performance skills
  • theatre studies
CourseVisual Art 9
  • basic design
  • drawing
  • historical overview
  • critique
CourseVisual Art 10
  • drawing
  • painting
  • Canadian art history
  • sculpture
CourseVisual Art 20
  • problem solving
  • generating visual ideas
  • relating ideas to traditions
CourseVisual Art 30
  • portfolio development
  • numerous media
  • individual & group critique
CourseIB Art 20/30 (Standard Level)
  • research & studio work
  • fundamentals of design
  • aesthetic & technical problems
  • portfolio development
  • improvisation
  • fundamentals of performance
  • collaborative theatre making
  • theatre genre study
CourseMusic 9
  • listening skills
  • performance
  • note literacy skills
  • introduction to handbells
  • exploration of styles
CourseIB Music 20/30 (Standard Level)
  • music history (western & world music)
  • development of listening techniques through the study, analysis and examination, comparing & contrasting of musical cultures
  • creating music through composition, arranging & improvising
  • performance
CourseMusic and Choral 10, 20, 30
Taken over two semesters:
  • voice development
  • ear training
  • sight reading
  • basic theory
  • explore styles from jazz to classical
  • handbells
  • tour and perform
  • AVE auditioned performance vocal ensemble
CourseBand 9, 10, 20 & 30
  • ensemble band experience
  • instrumental technique
  • music appreciation
  • individual & group performance
CourseFrench 9
Entre Amis 3
  • listening, speaking, reading & writing
CourseFrench 10
Entre Amis 3
  • development of written skills
CourseFrench 9/10 Immersion
  • speaking, listening & writing skills        
  • develop specific idiogrammatic vocabulary
CourseFrench 20
Voyages 2
  • grammar structures
  • read & discuss supplemental literature
CourseFrench 30
Voyages 2
  • advanced grammatical structures
  • read & discuss supplemental literature
CourseIB French 20/30 (Standard Level)
  • French 30 credit
  • French and French-Canadian short stories, essays & novels
  • film analysis & critique
CourseGerman 9
  • introduction to German language and culture
  • listening & speaking
CourseGerman 10
  • development of language skills
  • reading & writing
CourseGerman 20
  • introduction to more complex structures
  • communication through conversation & writing
CourseGerman 30
  • introduction to German literature
  • writing
  • focus on current events, particularly those in Europe
CourseIB German 20/30 (Standard Level)
  • German 30 credit
  • continuation of language skill development
  • emphasis on conversation & reading
CourseLatin 9
Our Latin Heritage
  • introduction to Latin
  • grammar & syntax
  • vocabulary
CourseLatin 10
Our Latin Heritage
  • vocabulary
  • grammar & syntax
  • reading & comprehension
  • Latin-English connections
CourseLatin 20
Our Latin Heritage
  • study of classical writers
CourseLatin 30
Our Latin Heritage
CourseMath 9A & 9B
  • numbers and operations with integers and rational numbers
  • linear relations
  • ratios, proportions and percents
  • solving equations and inequalities
  • polynomials
  • geometrical figures
  • square roots
  • Pythagorean theorem
  • surface area
  • circle geometry
  • similarity & transformations
  • probability & statistics
CourseMath Foundations & Pre-Calculus 10
  • metric & imperial measurement
  • trigonometry
  • factors & multipliers
  • irrational numbers
  • exponents
  • polynomial expressions
  • linear relations & functions
  • systems of linear equations
  • combined math
CourseCombined Math Credit 10
  • Year-long class (two semesters)
  • Two curriculums are covered: Workplace & Apprenticeship 10 and Foundations & Pre-Calculus 10)
  • Two credits are awarded if the year-long course is completed
  • Small class size, slower-paced for better understanding
CourseIB Prep Math
  • Math Foundations 10
  • Pre-Calculus 10
  • Math Foundations 20
  • Pre-Calculus 20
CoursePre-Calculus 20
  • Sequence and Series
    • Arithmetic sequences and series, geometric sequences and series, infinite geometric series
  • Trigonometry
    • Angles in standard position, the Sine law, the Cosine law
  • Quadratic Functions and Equations
    • Solving quadratic equations, properties of quadratics, graphing and analysing quadratic functions
  • Radical Expressions and Equations
    • Simplification radical expressions, solving radical expressions
  • Absolute Value and Reciprocal 
    • Absolute value functions, solving absolute value equations, graphing of reciprocals of functions
  • Systems of Equations and Linear and Quadratic Inequalities
    • Graphing Inequalities, solving systems graphically and algebraically
  • Rational Expressions and Equations
    • Simplifying rational expressions (+,-,x,/) solving equations involving rationals
CourseFoundations of Mathematics 20
  • Measurement
    • Rates, scale diagrams, proportional reasoning, surface area, volume
  • Geometry
    • Properties of angles & triangles, Cosine law and Sine law
  • Logical Reasoning
    • Inductive and deductive reasoning, spatial reasoning
  • Statistics
    • Normal distribution, standard deviation, Z-scores, interpret statistical data
  • Relations and Functions
    • Systems of linear inequalities in 2 variables, quadratic functions
CoursePre-Calculus 30
  • polynomials and polynomial functions
  • radical and rational functions
  • trig functions and their graphs
  • trig indentities and trig equations
  • exponential and logarithmic functions
  • functions and graphs
  • permutations and combinations
CourseFoundations of Mathematics 30
  • set theory and its applications
  • combinations
  • probability and odds
  • inductive and deductive reasoning
  • mathematics for financial decision making
  • representation and analysis of data using functions
  • data collection and analysis research and presentation
CourseCalculus 30
  • differentiation
  • integration
  • applications
  • inductive reasoning
  • deductive reasoning
  • mathematical induction
CourseIB Mathematics (Standard Level)
  • accelerated core components of Foundation of Mathematics 30 & Pre-Calculus 30
CourseIB Calculus (Standard Level)
  • Calculus 30
  • additional vectors
Physical Education
CoursePhys Ed 9
  • fitness goals and assessments
  • active living
  • nutrition
  • conflict resolution in sports and athletics
  • human anatomy and physiology
  • tactics and strategies
  • core strength
  • physical literacy - i.e.: volleyball, pickleball, badminton, frisbee, basketball, gymnastics,  yoga
  • weight training principles and fitness
CourseHealth 9
  • Introduction to health and decision making
  • The four areas of health
  • Health determinants and health promotion
  • Addictions; drugs, tobacco, alcohol
  • Nutrition, healthy eating, food ethics
  • Research paper writing and MLA Formatting
  • Sexual health and healthy relationships
  • Mental health awareness
CourseWellness 10
  • wellness wheel
  • fitness goals and assessment
  • stress management, self awareness
  • female health - cancers, reproductive disorders (females only)
  • mental health awareness
  • wellness action plan
  • individual fitness plans
  • physical literacy (i.e.: volleyball, badminton, frisbee, basketball, yoga, flag football)
  • create a game
  • nutrition
CoursePhys Ed 20
  • co-ed
  • coaching and mentoring
  • psychology of sport
  • nutrition and performance
  • first aid and CPR
  • active living (i.e.: bowling, self-defence, boxing, curling, frisbee, golf, badminton, soccer, tennis, YMCA visits, group games, rock climbing)
CoursePhys Ed 30
  • co-ed
  • business of sport
  • nutrition of sport
  • active living activites (i.e.: bowling, self-defence, boxing, curling, gofl, soccer, disc golf, yoga, tennis)
CourseScience 9
  • Life Science: Reproduction and Human Development
  • Physical Science: Atoms and Elements
  • Physical Science: Characteristics of Electricity
  • Earth and Space Science: Exploring our Universe
CourseScience 10
  • investigate career paths related to various branches of science
  • climate and ecosystem dynamics
  • chemical reactions
  • force and motion in our world
CourseEnvironmental Science 20
  • Examine local and global environmental issues from a systems perspective using methods such as field trips, laboratory work and database research.
  • Investigate technologies and processes used for mitigating and managing resource use, waste generation and pollution associated with a growing human population
  • Identify mechanisms that drive aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems and investigate human influences on these ecosystem mechanisms.
  • Consider anthropogenic driven changes to atmospheric composition and resulting changes to ecosystem and human health.
  • Create and carry out a plan to explore one or more topics of personal interest relevant to Environmental Science 20
CoursePhysical Science 20
  • combines chemistry and physics
  • heating and cooling
  • foundations of chemistry
  • mole and quantitative analysis of molecules and chemical reactions
  • characteristics and properties of waves
  • study of enterprise and public and private science as it occurs in agriculture, industry, and universities to help better understand various physical science related career paths
  • student inquiry will guide independent investigations of physical science phenomena
  • properties & structure of matter
  • atomic structure
  • nomenclature
  • chemical equations
  • stoichiometry
  • condensed phases of matter
  • gas laws
  • arrangement of electrons
  • periodic table
CourseHealth Science 20
  • examines the health science field from holistic and analytical perspectives to provide a basis for making sound personal health choices
  • philosophies that guide health care and consider ethical decision with those contexts
  • basic anatomy and physiology of the human body and various body systems
  • the role of metabolism and nutrition
  • diagnostic tools and procedures and how they are used to perform treatments
  • investigation of health science careers and post-secondary programs available in Saskatchewan
CourseBiology 30
  • genetic continuity
  • evolutionary theory
  • life processes regulation & homeostasis
  • organisms & their environment 
  • independent study
CourseIB Health Science 20/IB Biology 30 (Higher Level)
Credit awarded for Health Science 20 and Biology 30. Over four semesters, units of study include:
  • molecular biology
  • cell biology
  • genetics
  • ecology
  • evolution and biodiversity
  • human health and physiology
  • plant biology
CourseChemistry 30
  • molecular shape, energy changes & reaction rates
  • effect of temperature & concentration
  • equilibrium, acids & bases & introduction to oxidation
CourseIB Physical Science 20/IB Chemistry 30 (Standard Level)
Over two semesters:
  • transition elements
  • lab work
  • investigate cis-transisomers
  • synthesis of aspirin
  • qualitative analysis
  • chromatography
  • “Group IV” project
CoursePhysics 30
  • kinetics and dynamics
  • mechanical energy
  • electricity
  • atomic physics
  • nuclear physics
CourseIB Environmental Systems and Societies 30 (Standard Level)
  • Prerequisite: Environmental Science 20
  • foundations of environmental systems and societies
  • ecosystems and ecology
  • biodiversity and conservation
  • water and aquatic food production systems and societies
  • soil systems and terrestrial food production systems and societies
  • atmospheric systems and societies
  • climate change and energy production
  • human systems and resource use 
  • practical scheme of work including  practical activities and individual investigation  
Social Sciences
CourseHistory 9
Roots of Society
  • prehistory
  • ancient history
  • early European history
  • influences on Saskatchewan's roots
CourseHistory 10
Social Organizations of Early Modern Europe
  • Renaissance, Reformation & revolutions
  • political & economic organizations
  • ideologies
  • international relations
  • causes of World War I
CourseHistory 20
20th-Century World History
  • World War I and II
  • rise of authoritarian states
  • the Cold War and decolonization
CourseHistory 30
History of Canada
  • the colonial period
  • forming the nation
  • national policy, railways & western expansion
  • Canada & world affairs
  • Canadian-American relations
  • French Canadian nationalism & the "Quebec question"
CourseIB History 20 (Higher Level)
20th-Century World History Over two semesters:
  • causes, practices & effects of war
  • nationalism, decolonization & the end of empires
  • rise of single-party states
  • East-West relations since 1945
  • economic change & social development
CourseIB History 30 (Higher Level)
The Americas Over two semesters:
  • the colonial period
  • independence movements
  • 19th-century development
  • 20th-century issues