Health Services - Dorm Students
Luther College High School nurse’s office is staffed by a registered nurse from 7:30am – 11:30am Monday through Friday. During these hours, students may see the nurse for any of their health-related concerns. The nurse provides routine nursing care, referrals to the school physician or community resources and emergency medical care as needed.
If a dormitory student is ill, it is their responsibility to see the nurse before missing class. Students are to contact the nurse through the REACH app before 7:30am. The nurse will then see your student on morning dorm rounds. (Note: The school nurse cannot excuse a student from a class that has already been missed.) Students who become sick when the nurse is unavailable are to see the Deans or RAs. Dorm students excused from class due to illness cannot participate in extra-curricular activities that day. Attending study hours is permitted if they are feeling better. NOTE: In cases of extended illness, the student should contact their teacher.
Medical Information
Student Health Record Form: Fill the form out in Open Apply.
Our role as “In loco parentis”, we assume the responsibility for your student living in the dorms at Luther College High School. Therefore, it is important you provide accurate information on the Student Health History form so the nurse can continue any necessary health care while in the residence. The nurse will set up all medical appointments and the deans will set up vision, dental and orthodontic appointments as needed. Students are responsible for paying their cab fare to and from any appointment.
Immunization Record: All new dorm students must submit a copy of their original immunization record or upload a copy in Open Apply. A copy of the immunization record will be sent to Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA) as Public Health will advise if the student qualifies for any routine vaccines. To ensure that a complete immunization record is maintained every immunization administered to an individual will be documented by Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA) Public Health into a secure electronic provincial immunization registry, known as Panorama. Panorama is used in Saskatchewan to record and manage immunization records and the health information related to immunization. Immunization records may be shared with other health care professionals to provide public health services; assist with diagnosis and treatment; and to control the spread of vaccine preventable diseases. Information about Panorama is detailed in the Protecting the Privacy of Your Immunization Record fact sheet.
Consent: For vaccines recommended, the nurse will attempt to get a parental consent via email or in person, when your student moves into the dorms. Fact sheets on each vaccine will be provided in English and if needed in the student’s main language. If the nurse is unable to contact a parent, your student can sign for any vaccine as a mature minor (age 13 years and older with a clear understanding for what they are consenting for).
Routine Vaccines: If your student requires any routine vaccines, the nurse will book appointments at SHA Public Health. There is no cost for this service.
Influenza Vaccinations: It is highly recommended for all dorm students to receive the influenza vaccination in October each school year unless for health reasons your student is not eligible. The school nurse will arrange for the vaccine to be given on campus.
Travel Vaccines and Malaria medication: The nurse may refer to the Dieppe Pharmacy or SHA-Travel Health Centre as needed.
After completion of any vaccine the student will be given a copy of their immunization record and advised to keep it with their passport.
Dorm students requiring medication must have their medication in a pharmacy or manufacturer-labelled container with the student’s name, dose, and administration directions. For supplements, herbal, and alternative therapies a parent/guardian will need to give verbal or written authorization for the nurse to administer. Note the school nurse will not refer a student to a naturopath or homeopath unless initiated by the parent/guardian.
Pharmacy: The student’s prescription will be moved to Dieppe Pharmacy for easy access and delivery. A parent or student credit card and/or drug plan information must be kept on file at Dieppe Pharmacy to pay for any medication purchases. Note: According to the Saskatchewan College of Physicians, family physicians are unable to prescribe to a family member.
Safety: No medications can be kept in student’s rooms. All medication will be locked in the nurse’s office where dosages can be monitored and given to the student as ordered. Medication will be given back to the student during school breaks and summer vacation. **Exception: Students who carry emergency medication (inhalers, EpiPens, Diabetic supplies etc.) In some situations, the school nurse and parent/guardian may deem self-administration of medication appropriate based on the student’s health status, reliability, and availability of safe storage.
Medication Standing Orders: The school's physician has approved a variety of over-the-counter medication that the nurse can give for minor illnesses. These orders are reviewed by the doctor and signed yearly.
Disposal of Medication: All unused, discontinued, or outdated medication will be taken to the pharmacy for disposal.
Saskatchewan Health Card: International students are required to apply, or reapply, for Saskatchewan health insurance. Dorm staff will help with the initial application procedure. Please be sure your student has a Study Permit and Visa in order. This process can take several weeks, and the student will be responsible for paying for health-related costs while waiting for insurance to be processed. A typical visit to the doctor costs $70.00. These expenses will be reimbursed once the health card is activated. Receipts for prescription medication can be mailed to the parents upon request for the purposes of private health claims and/or income tax.
Mental Health Resources
Luther College High School has two counsellors and a school nurse. If your student needs to talk to a counselor, they can set up an appointment by emailing the counselor or by going to student services. No appointments are needed to see the nurse.
Severe medical and psychological conditions: Most medical conditions can be accommodated at Luther College High School. Students with medical or psychological conditions will continue to be followed by the student’s family physician or the school physician. All referrals for medical follow-up or counseling will be accommodated. In the event of significant medical or psychological conditions (severe depression, eating disorders, suicide attempts, and substance abuse are some examples) where it is deemed an emergency that requires immediate treatment, support or supervision, emergency medical services will be activated, or the student will be taken to the hospital.
Medical Emergency Protocol: Parents are advised to notify the school if their student has a high-risk medical condition (history of anaphylaxis, diabetes or other medical conditions that potentially could lead to a medical emergency) by contacting the main office, school nurse or filling out the Student Health History form in Open Apply. The nurse will contact the parent of a high-risk student for any medical instructions and to advise that faculty will be made aware of their student’s medical condition and potential treatment.
During a medical emergency at Luther:
1. Someone will always stay with the student.
2. The student’s medical plan will be carried out according to the directions given by the parent/guardian/physician:
- For an anaphylactic reaction: The student’s EpiPen will be administered. If the reaction continues to worsen a second dose will be administered 5 minutes later and a 3rd dose in another 5 min if needed.
- For a severe asthmatic attack: The student’s inhaler(s) will be administered immediately.
- For all other high risk medical conditions: Medication will be given, or treatment provided according to directions given by parent/guardian/physician.
3. 911 will be called for medical emergencies that cannot be resolved at school. **If an EpiPen is administered, the student must be transported to the hospital even if symptoms have subsided.
4. The school nurse will be notified (If in the building).
5. The parents/guardian will be notified.
Note: All costs associated with medical treatment will be the parent’s responsibility and employees are not responsible for any adverse reactions resulting from administration of emergency medication.
To comply with PIPEDA and HIPA privacy legislation:
A student’s health, medical information and personal information is confidential, however the consent a parent signs on the Student Health Record form, allows for sharing of medical information with the Deans, RAs, or faculty, if it is in the best interest of the student. For dorm students the nurse may access their confidential medical file in eHR Viewer to provide comprehensive medical care. eHR Viewer is a secure provincial (eHealth) electronic database that the nurse may use to retrieve medical information on a student regarding prescribed medication, laboratory or medical test results, clinical encounters with a physician or hospital, immunizations, and chronic disease management. Contact the school nurse if you need further information regarding the nurse’s access to your student’s confidential medical file.