Distinguished Service Awards

The Luther College Distinguished Service Award is granted to individuals who have shown dedication to and support for Luther College and its mission. Nominees must meet the following criteria:

  1. Have demonstrated ongoing loyalty and commitment to Luther College
  2. Have shown outstanding contribution and service to Luther College
  3. Have contributed to activities that have enhanced the reputation and overall strength of Luther College
  4. Are no longer active as employees or Board of Regents members at Luther College
  5. It is preferred that nominees are able to attend the awards ceremony or equivalent event in person, and are willing to participate in publicity for the awards ceremony. However, the award can also be awarded posthumously.

Nomination, Selection, and Award Procedures

  • Any individual may make a nomination for the Luther College Distinguished Service Award. To be considered, nominations must be submitted using the form below or to the President’s Office in writing (email will suffice) and will clearly identify how the nominee meets some or all of the criteria listed above. Members of the selection committee can also make nominations.
  • Nominations can be submitted at any time and will be kept on file in confidence for a period of five years. Nominations need not be resubmitted during this timeframe.
  • The award need not be presented annually, but will be done so at the discretion of the committee when a truly worthy candidate is nominated. 
  • The selection committee will be appointed by the President and will normally consist of at least one staff member from each campus, two Board members, and one or two other members of the Luther College community whether that be alumni, former staff, parents, past recipients, etc.  The President will try to have committee members serve more than a year at a time to give some continuity to the committee’s deliberations.
  • Given the two-campus nature of Luther College, the selection committee will normally pick two recipients, one for the High School and one for the University campus.

The award will be presented by the President, the Chair of the Board of Regents or their designate at a suitable occasion at the discretion of the selection committee (for example, Founders’ Day, a long-service ceremony, a Convocation ceremony, a Board of Regents event, or an event specific to the award).  If the nominee is not able to attend the event, the award will be presented in absentia.


  • Richard Nostbakken 2015

    Richard Nostbakken 2015

    During Rick’s time as a faculty member at Luther College High School, from 1971 to 2014, he became best known as a pioneer and champion of the school’s fine arts program. He also was a highly influential teacher of art, history, English, Christian ethics, theory of knowledge and computer science. In 1973, he helped stage… read more

  • Dr. Morris Anderson 2012

    Dr. Morris Anderson 2012

    After attending the University of Saskatchewan, Morris Anderson came to Luther College in the 1950’s to teach English. Following Rex Schneider’s retirement as Principal and President of Luther College, Morris took the Principal’s chair from 1964 to 1974, eventually assuming the Presidency in 1974. In addition to being tasked with the planning for the new… read more

  • Richard (Dick) Stark 2013

    Richard (Dick) Stark 2013

    Known as “Coach” to many, Richard (Dick) Stark is a cornerstone in the Luther College community. In 1969, Dick came to Luther College to help coach the Luther senior boys’ basketball team and in 1974, was named head coach of the team, a position he held until 1987. Prior to teaching physics and math at… read more

  • Rein & Ella Sommerfeld 2014

    Rein & Ella Sommerfeld 2014

    Rein and Ella Sommerfeld made a tremendous impact on the Luther community – their labours of love helped Luther evolve into the vital institution it is today. They shared a deep love for family and constantly lived out their values of personal integrity, deep faith and passionate work ethic. Rein and Ella had three children:… read more

  • Dr. Don Lee 2016

    Dr. Don Lee 2016

    For the last forty-seven years, Dr. Donald Lee has been associated with Luther College as a member of the Board of Regents (1968-1985 and 2007-2015), a parent of three alumni, and as President of the College from 1986-1991. Throughout this time, he has consistently modelled service and dedication to Luther College. In 1968, Don joined… read more

  • Dr. Roland Miller 2017

    Dr. Roland Miller 2017

    In his seventeen years at Luther College at the University of Regina, Rev. Dr. Roland Miller helped to strengthen the College academically, establish a robust affiliation with the University of Regina and build a foundation for Luther’s relationship with the Muslim community of Saskatchewan. On September 1, 1976, Roland became a member of the small… read more

  • Allan & Barbara Christiansen 2017

    Allan & Barbara Christiansen 2017

    For over 30 years, Allan and Barbara Christiansen served the students of Luther College. They were both beloved members of the faculty and staff, admired by students and colleagues alike. In 1964, Allan began his career at Luther as the Dean of Men, and a teacher of English and Christian Ethics. Newly married, Barbara lived… read more

  • Rev. Dr. Don King 2018

    Rev. Dr. Don King 2018

    Don King served both campuses of Luther College in roles that have covered nearly every facet of the College’s operations. Don and his wife Pat began their life at Luther College in 1966 and remained directly involved for thirty years. Don was instrumental in leading or coordinating several important initiatives including the successful campaign and… read more

  • Dr. Arthur Krentz 2018

    Dr. Arthur Krentz 2018

    Dr. Arthur (Art) Krentz served Luther College at the University of Regina for thirty-four years, and was instrumental in establishing the academic program at Luther on the University of Regina campus. Throughout his career, he emphasized the need to create a balance between pursuing progressive ideas and preserving traditional roots. Upon his arrival to Luther… read more

  • Mary Jesse 2019

    Mary Jesse 2019

    The name Mary Jesse has become synonymous with Luther College at the University of Regina (LCUR). As one of Luther College’s longest-serving employees, Mary had a profound impact on the students, faculty, and staff as well as the larger University of Regina community over the span of her thirty-year career. After convocating from LCUR with… read more

  • Gerry Harris 2019

    Gerry Harris 2019

    Gerry Harris loved working with students, coaching athletes and helping others. He served Luther College High School for over 30 years as a teacher and coach. Gerry’s relationship with Luther College began as a high school student when he enrolled in 1965, graduating in 1969. As a student, he was involved in the SRC and… read more

  • Paul Liefeld 2020

    Paul Liefeld 2020

    During the early years of Luther College, a group of highly capable teachers cooperated to give it an enviable reputation. Among those teachers, Paul Liefeld stood out for his commitment to academic excellence. He and his wife Rosella arrived from South Dakota in 1930 – just four years after the College had moved to its… read more

  • Harold Dietrich 2020

    Harold Dietrich 2020

    Harold Dietrich arrived at Luther College in the Fall of 1944, reporting for Grade 9, well-dressed in a suit, shirt, and tie. There was a World War going on, but better times were ahead, and Harold was ready to contribute. He completed Grade 12 in 1948 and took his first year of university at Luther… read more

  • Dr. Paul Antrobus 2020

    Dr. Paul Antrobus 2020

    Arriving in 1973, Dr. Paul Antrobus joined two other faculty members and a small band of staff at the newly-established University campus of Luther College, and together they set out to build a welcoming, community-focused institution dedicated to the development of the whole student – mind, body, and spirit. Paul’s 33 years as a faculty… read more

  • Rev. Larry & Gail Fry 2022

    Rev. Larry & Gail Fry 2022

    Few couples have been as influential on the life of Luther College High School as Larry and Gail Fry. They both served the College for 27 years, from 1987 to 2014. Gail was a teacher of music and math, and the academic guidance counsellor from 1991 until she retired. She was the “mother”’ of the… read more

  • Rev. David Kaiser 2022

    Rev. David Kaiser 2022

    Serving as Chaplain for Luther College at the University of Regina from 1988 to 2000, David Kaiser is regarded as a creative, insightful, empathetic and thoughtful person who liked to laugh and bring laughter to those around him. He received not one, but two nominations for the Distinguished Service Award, which speaks to his worthiness… read more

  • Berbel Knoll 2023

    Berbel Knoll 2023

    Few in the Luther College High School community have made such a unique impact as Berbel Knoll. She served over three decades, including as the Dean of Women in the 1970’s and eventually Principal in the 1990’s and 2000’s. Berbel (Miss Guenzel at the time) was hired in 1975 as a half-time teacher and full-time… read more

  • Dr. Mary Vetter 2023

    Dr. Mary Vetter 2023

    One cannot talk about Mary’s contribution to Luther College at the University of Regina without the word “first.” A trailblazing professor, she joined the College in 1984 as the first female science professor, teaching biology. In fact, Mary was the first female tenured professor at Luther, and one of the first female science faculty members… read more

  • Pastor Richard Hordern, Ph.D. and Nancy Talsness Hordern 2024

    Pastor Richard Hordern, Ph.D. and Nancy Talsness Hordern 2024

    The name Hordern has been synonymous with Luther College for nearly 50 years. Rick and Nancy are cherished supporters with a deep love of Luther College that goes back to the 1970s. In 1978, Richard was hired as the Luther College university campus developed the department of Religious Studies. Ordained as a Lutheran pastor, Rick… read more

  • Steve Haddad 2024

    Steve Haddad 2024

    For over thirty years as a faculty member, and in the years since his retirement, Steve Haddad has generously and faithfully served the Luther College students and community. Beginning in January 1984, Steve spent the ensuing 31 years teaching chiefly English and IB English in ways which impacted students into their adult lives. Alumni frequently… read more

  • Dr. Mary Hampton 2024

    Dr. Mary Hampton 2024

    Dr. Mary Hampton, Professor Emeritus of Luther College at the University of Regina is being recognized posthumously for her trailblazing service to Luther College. Working in community and with community was the cornerstone of her career as a professor of psychology and national researcher. With a Master’s degree in Counselling and Consulting Psychology from Boston… read more

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Begin Your Path to Academic Success


1500 Royal Street Regina, Saskatchewan
S4T 5A5 Canada

Luther College is situated on Treaty 4 lands. These are the territories of the nêhiyawak, Anihšināpēk, Dakota, Lakota, and Nakoda, and the homeland of the Métis/Michif Nation.


A member of the Saskatchewan Association of Historical High Schools


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