Luther College High School Diploma Requirements
To receive a Luther College High School diploma, the student requires 26 credits, at least 5 of which must be earned in Grade 12. (The provincial minimum is 24 credits.)
Grade 9
Minimum: 12 classes (9 compulsory and 3 electives)
- Christian Ethics 9
- English 9A
- English 9B
- History 9
- Mathematics 9A
- Mathematics 9B
- Science 9
- Health 9
- Girls’ Phys Ed 9 or Boy’s Phys Ed 9
- Choice of 3 electives
Grade 10
Minimum: 10 credits
- English 10A
- English 10B
- History 10
- Science 10
- Financial Literacy
- 1 mathematics credit at level 10
- 3-4 electives at level 10 or higher
Grade 11
Minimum: 8 credits
- Christian Ethics 20
- English 20
- English Literature & Composition 20
- 1 Mathematics credit at level 20
- History 20
- 1 Science credit at level 20
- 2 electives at level 20 or 30
Grade 12
Minimum: 8 credits, 5 of which must be at the 30 level
- Christian Ethics 30
- English A30
- English B30
- History 30
- Science 30
- 1 Mathematics credit at level 30
- 3 electives at level 20 or 30
Students must receive permission from administration prior to taking credit classes outside Luther College High School. These grades will not be used in any average calculations, which may mean the student will be excluded from scholarship and honour roll consideration.

Baccalaureate and Closing Exercises
This ceremony is held at the end of each school year to present high school diplomas to grade 12 graduates. The formal program also includes the presentation of grade 12 IB standing, grade 12 honour roll and grade 12 scholarships. A graduation reception for students, families and staff is held in the Student Commons after the ceremony. The Graduation Banquet is held the same night and includes speeches and entertainment by students, parents and faculty.