
Student Marks and MySchoolSask (MSS)

MySchoolSask (MSS) is the database on which students can view their schedule, attendance, marks, locker, and demographic information.

To access a student account on MSS, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the browser on your computer or phone. Ideally, the first time you log into your MSS account, you should use a computer.
  2. Go to
  3. On the MySchoolSask log in screen, do not enter any information in the boxes labelled “Login ID” and “Password.” Instead, go to the bottom of the screen to find the box labelled “Log in using.” Select “Independent School Branch” from the drop down menu. Then, click the AASP button.
  4. A Microsoft Sign In window should appear. Enter your Luther username ( Click “Next.”
  5. In the Password window, enter your Luther password (use the same password for your Google Classroom). Click “Sign in.”
  6. Click “Yes” from the “Stay Signed in” window.
  7. You will be directly sent to your MSS Student Portal or you will be asked for authentication. If you are asked for authentication, enter your phone number. You will then be sent a verification number which you will enter when prompted. If your authentication is approved, your MSS Student Portal will open.

The MySchoolSask Parent Portal allows access to see marks, attendance, class schedule and other information on your child(ren). Each parent or guardian has their own separate account. 

Parent access to MSS:

  • Parents receive an email from ‘production@myschoolsask’ with login ID and password.
  • Both user name and password are case sensitive.
  • Make sure popups are enabled for your browser.
  • When you use MSS for the first time, use a desktop or laptop computer – NOT a mobile device.
  • Enter your user name and password then click Log On to access the system. The first time, you will be prompted to change your password, and fill out some information so that in the future you can click “I forgot my password” to receive a new password. 
  • After you’ve created your account and updated your password, you can use a mobile device to access MSS. However, select ‘full site’; do not use the app to access marks and attendance.

Once inside the MySchoolSask system you can navigate around to view information for your student(s). To view marks, go to “Family”, then “Transcripts”.

Watch our orientation to MySchoolSask on YouTube at 

Email and Texts

Luther College relies on email o be able to reach all parents quickly and easily. It is vital that we maintain reliable email addresses for you at all times. If any of your personal information changes including any of your contact information, email the main office at Parents are emailed at least bi-weekly with upcoming events and information at Luther College.

Luther College uses SchoolMessenger, a tool designed to quickly and effectively communicate with parents using email, voicemail and texts. To opt in to receive text-messages from Luther College, text YES to 978338 (for Canadian phone numbers only). Standard text message and data rates may apply.

Contacting Your Student & Access to the School

Students are permitted to check their phones during breaks or between classes. Students will not be pulled from a class unless it is an emergency situation which requires immediate attention.

Parents who need to access the school during the regular school day may use the Royal Street doors.  We ask all parents/guests to phone or e-mail ahead of time. However, we understand there will be situations when guests arrive unannounced and we control the entrance into the school with our camera and lock system at the Royal Street door.