Dr. Noel Chevalier specialises in Eighteenth-Century literature, but his teaching and research interests cover a diverse range of topics, from literary responses to the Bible, to the cultural and economic roots of globalisation, to the treatment of science and scientists in literature, to Harry Potter, and, most recently, to literary representations of pirates. He co-edited a collection of essays on eighteenth-century poet Christopher Smart in 2013, and has presented work on pirates and pirate literature at conferences in the Netherlands, the US, England, and Canada.

Dr. Chevalier received an Inspiring Teaching Award in 1998, and helped create two Interdisciplinary programs at Luther College: the English/Science Learning Community, which has been running since 2000, and the IDS program focusing on Globalisation.

Dr. Chevalier is also passionate about music, history, film, travel, and cooking, and will eagerly—maybe too eagerly—discuss any combination of these topics at any time.

Courses Taught

  • ENGL 100 – English/Science Literature and Composition I
  • ENGL 110 – English/Science Literature and Composition II
  • ENGL 110 – Satire
  • ENGL 211 – Literature Survey I
  • ENGL 223 – Introduction to Drama
  • ENGL 304AI – William Blake
  • ENGL 304AL – JK Rowling
  • ENGL 377AA/THEA356 – 18th Century Comedy
  • ENGL 377AE/THEA456AA – Contemporary Comedy
  • ENGL 384AC – English Literature and the Bible
  • ENGL 384AH – The Literature of Pirates
  • ENGL 420 – 18th Century Women’s Fiction
  • ENGL 499 – Bibliography
  • IDS 100 – Global Citizenship 1: The Making of the Modern Person

Current Research and Community Work

  • Treatment of money and power in 18th-century drama
  • Roots of political radicalism in Harry Potter
  • Harry Potter and popular religious culture
  • English radicalism, 1789-1800
  • Historical roots of globalization
  • Pirates and Pirate Literature

Selected Recent Academic Publications

“Creative Accounting: Alternative Facts in the History of the Pirate, John Gow.” CSECS and NEASECS Joint Conference, Toronto, ON, 18-22 October 2017 (forthcoming).

“Can(n)on Fodder: Pirates, Pedagogy, and Literary History.” Fifteenth International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities, Imperial College, London, 5-7 July 2017.

“Margaret Cavendish, Description of a New World, Called the Blazing-World.” Literary Wonderlands, ed. Laura Miller. London: Black Dog, 2016.

“Treasures of the Imagination: Rethinking Pirate Booty in Pirate Narratives.” Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies Annual Conference. Kingston, ON, 26-30 October, 2016.

“Their Crimes Conspir’d to Make ’em Great: Pirate Narratives and Political Morality in the 1720s.” 47th American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, 31 March-3 April 2016.

 “Plutarch on the Spanish Main: Intertextual and Narrative Strategies in Charles Johnson’s General History of the Pyrates. ISECS 2015: 14th International Congress for Eighteenth-Century Studies. Rotterdam, NL, July 26-31, 2015.

“Guy’s Cliff Meets St Kitts: Early Caribbean Verse and the Della Cruscans.” Early Caribbean Society Symposium, Kingston University, London, July 20-21, 2014.

Reading Christopher Smart in the Twenty-First Century: “By Succession of Delight” Lewisburg, NY: Bucknell UP. 2013. (Edited with Min Wild).

“Breaking the Circle of the Sciences: Christopher Smart’s Lilliputian Magazine and Education.” “By Succession of Delight”: A Colloquium on the Words and Times of Christopher Smart. Plymouth, University of Plymouth, September 14-15, 2010.

Review of: Claire Brock, the Feminization of Fame (Palgrave 2006) and EJ Clery, The Feminization Debate in Eighteenth-Century England (Palgrave 2004).  Eighteenth-Century Women 5 (2008), 297-302.

Review of Daniel Defoe: The Religious and Didactic Writings 10vols.  Pickering, 2006-7. The Scriblerian 40.1-2, Autumn 2007/Spring 2008.

“Good Fiction, Better Science: Using the Humanities to Promote Reflective Practitioners of Science.”  International Journal of the Humanities 2.2 (2006), 857-864.

“The Liberty Tree and the Whomping Willow: Political Justice, Magical Science, and Harry Potter.”  The Lion and the Unicorn 29.3 (September 2005), 397-415.

“Christopher Smart’s Old Woman’s Oratory and the Patent Theatres: Legitimacy, Authority and ‘Rational Mirth’.”  Theatre History Studies 24 (June 2004), 109-24.

Review of The Rocks: Life in Early Sydney by Grace Karskens.  The Eighteenth Century: A Current Bibliography 1996-98  n.s. 22-24.  New York: AMS, 2004, 315-17.

“Indian Identity and the “English Shaster”: Religion and Nationhood in Elizabeth Hamilton’s Letters of a Hindoo Rajah” ACLALS 13th Triennial Conference, Hyderabad, India, August 4-9, 2004.

“Tradesman’s Holiday: The Financial Revolution and the English Stage.”  Money, Power & Prose: An Interdisciplinary Colloquium on Financial Revolution in the British Isles, 1688-1756.  University of Regina, June 24-26, 2004.

“English Credit, English Plays: Constructions of Mercantile Identity in Susannah Centlivre’s Late Comedies.”  American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Boston, March 24-28, 2004.

“Mad Science, Political Justice, and Frankenstein.” Australasian Association for the History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Science Conference, University of Melbourne, Parkville, VIC, Australia, June 25-28, 2001.