Benjamin Salloum has taught at Luther College at the University of Regina for four years. He holds a B.A. (Hons.) and an M.A. from the University of Regina. His M.A. thesis, consisting of a study of the late novels of Philip Roth, analyzed the social role of the novelist as one of many competing “narrators” of private lives. Currently, his research interests include twentieth century Eastern European writers; secrecy, laughter, and the novel; and a comparative analysis between Canadian and Scandinavian literature.
Courses Taught
- ENGL 100 – Critical Reading and Writing I
- ENGL 110 – Critical Reading and Writing II
Selected Recent Papers
“You Shouldn’t Trouble Yourself Over My Tiny Opacity”: Secrecy and the Novelist in Exit Ghost” presented at Roth @ 80, Newark, NJ, March 2013.