Scott J. Wilson

English and Writing Across the Disciplines Coordinator


Scott J. Wilson teaches English and coordinates the Writing Across the Disciplines Program.

His teaching, beyond academic reading and writing skills, includes medicine and mortality, transgressive fiction, journalism, justice, and media discourse (as part of the mortality (as part of the Luther College English-Science Bundle), transgressive fiction, journalism, justice, and media discourse (as part of the Luther College Justice & Pre-Law and Pre-Journalism Bundle), graphic novels, and television and film adaptation.

His Master of Arts thesis is (Cult)ural Capital: Post-Consumerism and Post-Abjection in Chuck Palahniuk’s Fight Club. He completed that thesis, which was nominated for the Governor General’s Academic Gold Medal, at the University of Regina.

Scott has worked for the University of Regina Student Success Centre Writing Service as their Writing Coordinator and was also the Administrator of the University of Regina Centre on Aging and Health.

He is a Saskatchewan Seniors Mechanism Board Member and the Chair of their Communications Committee. He also serves on a variety of Luther College and University of Regina committees, including the U of R Writing Skills Task Force, the English Literacy Needs Assessment Test Development Committee, and is the Chair of the U of R Council Committee on Undergraduate Admissions and Studies.

Courses Taught

  • ENGL-100: Critical Reading and Writing I
  • ENGL-110: Critical Reading and Writing II
  • IDS 101: Interdisciplinary Studies: Contemporary Issues
  • JSGS-804: Research and Writing
  • AWRIT: Arts Transition Program Writing Lab

Current Research

  • Writing pedagogy
  • Illness narratives
  • Transgressive fiction
  • Masculinities
  • Abjection and consumerism
  • Serial killers and wound culture
  • Popular culture (including comics, graphic novels, video games, and fan culture)
  • Media discourse and rhetoric 

Selected Recent Special Lectures and Presentations

“’Act like Writers Do’: Meaningful Writing Assignments for Students and Instructors.” Orlene Murad Academic Discussion Series. University of Regina, Regina, SK. March 5, 2021.

“Writing Across the Disciplines and Avoiding Writing-Adjacent Activities.” Luther College Teaching Circle. Luther College at the University of Regina. Regina, SK. March 26, 2019

“Writing Slogans and Taglines.” University of Regina Lifelong Learning Centre. Regina, SK. January 18, 2019.

“Panel Discussion on Student Success.” Graduate Teaching Certificate Program. University of Regina, Regina, SK. March 1, 2018.

“’Easier to be around other human butt wipe’: Non-Violent Abject Communities in Chuck Palahniuk’s Fight Club.” Summer Orientation 2019. University of Regina. Regina, SK. August 22, 2019.

“Daring to Deduce Drastic, Disturbing Deviousness in Drawings and Drama: Jeff Lindsay’s Darkly Dreaming Dexter, Violence, and Aesthetics.” Grade 11 University Preview. University of Regina, Regina, SK. February 23, 2018.

“Did You Read My Comments?: Tips for Providing Feedback on Written Assignments.” Luther College Teaching Circle. Luther College, Regina, SK. November 14, 2017.

“Clear and Concise: Demystifying Academic Writing.” Graduate Student Conference. University of Regina. Regina, SK. October 14, 2017.