How to Register for Courses
Registration Dates
Courses are taught year-round at the University of Regina, with courses offered in Fall (September-December), Winter (January-April) and Spring/Summer (May-August) terms.
Current students register for courses annually in March for the full year (Spring/Summer, Fall, and Winter terms). New students register in April.
Your date to register, called a time ticket, is posted ahead of each registration period in UR Self-Service. For best access to classes, students are encouraged to register on their time ticket, but may register any time after their date. Students are never permitted to register prior to their time ticket.
Note: Students should monitor their UR emails for information regarding full-year registration and scheduling academic advising appointments.
Registration Tools

Luther College Course Offerings: A listing of current and next term courses including descriptions taught by Luther College.
Visual Schedule Builder (VSB): A useful tool to help you build your schedule.
Class Schedule Worksheet: A blank timetable worksheet to assist with your course planning.
Class Schedule: A searchable database of all courses including course descriptions, pre-requisites and restrictions inside UR Self-Service. Luther courses are identified with an “L” section number (e.g. PSYC 101-L01).
Registration Permit/Override Form: Use it to obtain permission for faculty, major, degree, program, campus restriction, and class capacity overrides.
Registration Guide: A tool that shows you how to use VSB and UR Self-Service to register for classes including common registration errors.
Academic Advising
All students at Luther College are encouraged to meet with the Registrar or Assistant Registrar for program planning assistance. Contact the Luther College Academic Office to schedule an academic advising appointment.