Continuing Awards

Available for continuing university students.

Apply for Continuing Awards

A $2,000 bursary is awarded to an entering or continuing female Luther registered student living in Luther’s residence, The Student Village at Luther College, with the intention of studying law, business, nursing, or a health-related program. Applicants must outline future study plans in Part 3 of the scholarship application and indicate financial need. The late Rev. Dr. Walter Ellis (HS’53), an alumnus of Luther College High School, established this bursary in honour of his two aunts, Alice May, a secretary to Regina lawyer George Thorn, and Violet Ann Weston, a nurse. Both Alice and Violet were residents of the College dorms.


A $1,000 scholarship is open to entering or continuing students who are studying Geography and Environmental Studies, Geology, Environmental Geoscience, Geographic Information Science, Certificate in Sustainability or any other field of study that focuses on the sustainable production and use of natural resources or environmentally sustainable practices. Students must demonstrate academic achievement. The scholarship was established by Inter-City Gas Ltd to honour Bertram Fair Lundy who founded the company during the 1930s and was a pioneer in the exploration and development of petroleum and natural gas resources in Saskatchewan.


A $1,450 award is given to a Luther student who is actively engaged in a volunteer capacity whereby he or she is assisting those who are in need and is making a positive contribution to Luther College through his or her actions and/or involvement.


A $500 scholarship is awarded annually on the basis of academic merit to a continuing student with an interdisciplinary major (Environmental Studies, International Studies, Classical and Medieval Studies, Women’s and Gender Studies).


A $1,000 scholarship is awarded to a student demonstrating involvement and leadership in Luther College, the church, and community. Preference will be given to Humanities and Media, Art, and Performance students with good academic performance. Eligible students must have completed at least one semester of university study.


A $500 scholarship is awarded to an entering or continuing student in financial need who is preparing for Christian service and demonstrates good academic performance.


A $1000 award is open to entering and continuing students in all disciplines in the Faculty of Arts and the Faculty of Science including undeclared majors.  This award honours the work of Luther College faculty who consider deep questions about religion, science, and society in their teaching and research.  Applicants must demonstrate academic excellence and provide a two-paragraph statement describing what they are curious about and hope to discover through their studies.


A $650 scholarship is awarded to a continuing Luther student enrolled in the Faculty of Science with 60 or more credit hours, and demonstrates academic achievement as well as financial need. Dr. Eugene W. Seitz (HS’53) is an alumnus of Luther College High School and obtained a Ph.D. in Microbiology, Biochemistry, and Food Science and Technology from Oregon State University. He worked for over forty-five years as an industrial scientist, with a strong focus on Flavor Science and Technology, and discovered/devised, developed & established numerous factory processes which manufactured flavor ingredients (flavorants) or which modified dairy and other foods into flavor building blocks.


A $450 scholarship is awarded annually to a continuing student majoring in a discipline in the social sciences (Psychology, Sociology, History, etc.). Please provide a synopsis (max. 2-3 paragraphs) of a paper you submitted for one of the courses in your major. Grade point average will be considered.

The late Dr. Paul Antrobus was a professor of Psychology at Luther College from 1973 – 2005. He was a larger than life personality who cared so deeply for his family, for the College, for his discipline of psychology, and always for his students. Dr. Antrobus, who passed away in 2015, will be remembered for his faith, his devotion to his fellow human being, his courage, and his great love of life.

A $850 scholarship will be given to an entering or continuing student who demonstrates financial need, academic achievement, and proven leadership qualities. Leadership can include roles within their high school, community, and/or place of worship. Dr. Schneider was the first President of Luther College.


The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC) funds a bursary of $500 to an entering or continuing student who intends to pursue leadership in ministry, and is an active member of an ELCIC congregation.

A $850 scholarship is awarded to a continuing student whose subject major is in the Humanities or Media, Art, and Performance. Eligible students must have completed at least 30 credit hours and attained an overall UGPA of at least 75%, and 75% in the major subject. Criteria are creative achievement, academic performance, and demonstrated commitment to the program of study. The student must arrange for a supporting letter to be sent directly from a university professor to the Luther College Academic Office assessing the quality of work. In addition, the student must outline relevant interests, goals, and experience in Part 3 of the scholarship application.

An $450 scholarship is awarded to a continuing student who is majoring in religious studies and demonstrates academic excellence.

An $500 scholarship is awarded to a continuing student who has completed at least two years of study and whose subject major is in the humanities division (i.e. arts and culture, English, international studies, languages, linguistics, philosophy, religious studies or women’s studies). The award is based on academic performance, breadth of interest and involvement, and community service.


A $750 scholarship is awarded to a science student who demonstrates financial need, shows energy and perseverance, and displays academic potential.


A $1,000 scholarship is awarded to an honours student in psychology who has completed at least 75 credit hours of study, attained a UGPA of 75% and a major GPA of 80%, intends to pursue clinical psychology, and is concerned for the psychological and spiritual welfare of others.

A $900 scholarship is awarded to an honours psychology student who intends to pursue clinical psychology and is concerned for the psychological and spiritual welfare of others. If no suitable applicant applies, this scholarship will be awarded to a continuing psychology student who demonstrates academic ability, financial need, and involvement in Luther College activities.


Bursaries will be available (up to $2,000) for entering or continuing self-declared Indigenous students who are pursuing an undergraduate degree through Luther College. Students must demonstrate financial need. Preference for single parents. Provide a short paragraph outlining their story including who they are and where they come from.


A $700 scholarship is awarded to an entering or continuing student from rural Saskatchewan, who has farm connections and demonstrates good character and industry, high academic potential, and indicates financial need.


A $500 scholarship is awarded to a continuing student who has completed at least one semester of university and intends to pursue a career in full-time Christian service, particularly in missions. Preference will be given to students enrolled in music, religious studies, or the health sciences.


A $350 scholarship is awarded to an entering or continuing student majoring in music who demonstrates academic excellence. Active in fostering a strong music program at Luther College, Mr. Liefeld was a member of the Regina Symphony Orchestra for many years.


An $450 scholarship is awarded to an entering or continuing student majoring in a discipline in the Faculty of Science who demonstrates academic excellence. This scholarship was established by Mr. Paul Liefeld and Dr. Henry Taube. Mr. Liefeld taught chemistry at Luther College from 1930-1972. Dr. Taube, a student of Mr. Liefeld and an alumnus of the College, won the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1985.


Several scholarships ($1,000 maximum) are awarded to continuing students on the basis of academic achievements. To be eligible, students must have completed at least one semester of university and have a UGPA of 80% or higher.


A $2,000 scholarship is awarded to a continuing student on the basis of academic merit and has completed at least two courses in European history beyond the introductory level. Preference will be given to history majors, but students from other disciplines who demonstrate a sustained interest in European history or have taken Luther College courses in European history or related fields are also encouraged to apply.


A $1,000 scholarship is awarded to an entering or continuing student registered in at least 9 credit hours who is at least twenty-five years old. Applicants must demonstrate academic excellence and indicate financial need. Preference will be given to applicants who are raising families and/or have work commitments in addition to their studies.


Two awards of $400 each may be awarded to Luther College students enrolled in 6 or fewer credit hours for the Fall semester. Eligible students must have completed at least 15 credit hours and attained a UGPA of 75%. Students registered in courses while in co-op work term are not eligible.

The late Dr. Paul Antrobus was a professor of Psychology at Luther College from 1973 – 2005. He was a larger than life personality who cared so deeply for his family, for the College, for his discipline of psychology, and always for his students. Dr. Antrobus, who passed away in 2015, will be remembered for his faith, his devotion to his fellow human being, his courage, and his great love of life.

Dr. Antrobus was a pioneer in community-engaged research. His contributions revolved around healing and caring for others. He led many workshops on holistic healing. Dr. Antrobus helped victims of sexual abuse and worked with the Regina Police Services on issues surrounding children’s justice. He used his expertise in the area of cross-cultural psychology to provide support to Indigenous communities throughout Saskatchewan.

A $1,600 scholarship is awarded to a continuing student majoring in Psychology. Please provide 1-2 paragraphs describing your current area of research and/or future career goals and aspirations within your program in Psychology. Grade point average will be considered.

A $650 scholarship is awarded to an entering or continuing student who shows proficiency in music and high academic achievement.

A $700 scholarship is awarded to a continuing student in Arts, Science, Media, Art, and Performance, or La Cité universitaire francophone who has completed at least one year of university with a UGPA of 75% or better, demonstrates academic dedication and is a worshipping member of a Christian congregation. A supporting letter from the pastor is required.


A $500 scholarship is awarded to a student who demonstrates personal resilience and has used the support services available at Luther College and/or the University of Regina. The support services could include the Academic Office, the Chaplaincy program, or the Library at Luther College. Support services offered through the University of Regina including the Student Success Centre, Counselling Services, the Student Accessibility Centre, or other supports on campus will be considered. The recipient must be in good academic standing and provide a letter outlining the support services and how they benefited from them. Sean attended Luther College at the University of Regina (LCUR), graduating in 2014 with a Bachelor of Arts.  While he was a student at Luther, Sean benefited from the guidance and care he received from the staff and faculty at LCUR, and in particular from Luther’s chaplain at the time, Pastor Cheryl Toth.


A $500 scholarship (awarded in odd numbered years only) is given to a student who demonstrates financial need. Preference is given to a member of the Lutheran Church (ELCIC) preparing for the ministry or church-related work. This scholarship was established in 1981 by the congregation of St. Mark’s Lutheran Church in Regina to mark the church’s 25th anniversary.

A $400 scholarship is awarded to a continuing student majoring in psychology or sociology who demonstrates academic excellence. This scholarship is offered by the Raths.


An $750 scholarship is awarded to a continuing student who has completed at least two semesters of university. The award is based on academic standing, with priority given to students directing their studies to one of the health science disciplines.