Check each award for which you are applying. You may apply for more than one award. For information about each award and their requirements, click here. If an award calls for a letter of reference, please send it to with the subject line “Luther Award Application”.
Complete Part 3
Complete Part 4
Please provide one personal statement for all of the awards, scholarships, and bursaries that you have applied for that request for you to complete Part 3. The personal statement could include your career goals, church context, community service, leadership, music training, rural background, why you choose to study at Luther College, etc. Remember to read the awards criteria carefully and provide the relevant information.
Please provide information to the best of your knowledge at the time of the application. Your tuition, books, and living expenses will be calculated from your responses below. Only include the portion of your finances that will be used for the upcoming academic year (September 2025 – April 2026).
By checking yes, you agree that you have answered all applicable questions and the answers given are correct. You understand that this information will be shared with the Awards Committee and other parties including donor(s) for the purpose of the administration of the awards and donor relations. You give Luther College permission to publish your name, academic program, and any award received.
Personal information on this form is collected pursuant to the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (“PIPEDA”) and The Local Authority Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (“LAFOIP”). Luther College at the University of Regina will use your information for all administrative and academic matters and your information may be shared with the University of Regina.
Your information will remain confidential, and will only be used or disclosed as authorized under PIPEDA/LAFOIP.
Should you have any questions about the collection of information, please contact Luther College at the University of Regina at 1-306-585-5144.
Note: You will receive email confirmation that your awards application has been received. Please contact the Luther College Academic Office at 1-306-585-5444 or if you do not receive this information