Spend-A-Day Visits

Come Spend-A-Day at Luther College High School

What Happens on a Spend-A-Day Visit?

Grade 8 students are encouraged and welcome to schedule a "spend-a-day" visit. Grade 8 students are paired with Grade 9 ambassador students. They attend class, chapel and have lunch together.

The day begins at 8:15 a.m. with the prospective student meeting her or his ambassador in the main office. The school day ends at 3:15 p.m. Students should adhere to the dress code. Lunch is provided in the cafeteria at no charge.

When Can I Come Spend-A-Day?

Spend-a-day visits for prospective students start on November 19 and run until the end of May.  Please note that visits are not booked during mid-term exams, final exams, school holidays or special schedule days. To check our school calendar click here: Calendar

We ask that families book at least one week in advance. February dates are now full, so please select dates between March and May. Only two visiting students can be hosted per day so it is important to book well in advance of your preferred date.

If you require more information on admission to Luther College High School, please contact admissions@luthercollege.edu.

Spend A Day Visit

Spend A Day Visit


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