Why Support Luther?
Why Support Luther?
The generosity of our community is an important part of Luther’s history. Our programs, facilities, scholarships and financial assistance opportunities are a direct result of the philanthropy of the Luther community.
Our funding priorities include: expanding our learning facilities, enhancing teaching excellence and supporting scholarships and bursaries. You are also welcome to give to your personal passion and direct your gift wherever you see fit.
Click here for a list of our Current Priorities.
Donations can be made online or by calling our office at 306-757-7399.
Charitable Donation Tax Credit Calculator
This calculator lets you estimate the amount of tax credit available for eligible donations claimed on an income tax and benefit return for a tax year, by province or territory of residence. It does not take into account all possible tax situations. The charitable tax credit is non-refundable and can be used to reduce your income tax for a tax year. These calculations are based on the information you provide, so it is important that you enter accurate information.
Link to: http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/chrts-gvng/dnrs/svngs/clmng1b2-eng.html
First-Time Donor's Super Credit
The CRA’s first-time donor’s super credit gives you an extra 25% non-refundable federal tax credit when you claim your charitable donation tax credit. This means that you can get a 40% credit for up to $200 in cash donations and a 54% credit for the part of the cash donations that is over $200 but not more than $1,000. This is in addition to the provincial credit.
Link to: http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/gncy/bdgt/2013/qa01-eng.html
Special Capital Gains Exemption for Gifts of Publicly-Traded Securities
As a result of the 2006 Federal Budget, the capital gain resulting from transferring securities to a charitable organization is not taxed.
For more information, please contact:
Maureen Harrison
Chief Development Officer
Phone: 1-306-791-9175
Email: maureen.harrison@luthercollege.edu
Charitable Registration Number: 10765 0061 RR0001