Fall 2015

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  • Luther College is a great choice for high school to university transition. Enjoy all the benefits of a larger campus, without feeling lost in the crowd. Our community is full of caring mentors and peers to ensure a positive student experience.

  • Luther College students are eligible for nearly $100,000 in academic awards – in addition to scholarships and bursaries awarded by the U of R.

  • Luther College is recognized for its high standards of teaching, focused research, and one-on-one academic advising. We value and protect this heritage of excellence in scholarship, freedom of inquiry, and faithful seeking after truth.

  • Smaller class sizes at Luther College means more individualized attention and better connections with your professors, classmates, and academic advisors.

  • Luther students can register in Arts, Science, or Media, Art, and Performance. Luther students are U of R students and receive a U of R degree.

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Fall 2015

By Barbara Reul, Editor

Welcome (back) to Impetus. Granted, it has been a while, but we are keen on sharing with you what has been going on at Luther College in 2015. As a liberal arts college rooted in Christian spirituality and a partner in post-secondary education with the University of Regina, five key principles inform our teaching and research in the arts, fine arts, and sciences: commitment to global citizenship; engagement in social justice; pursuit of a sustainable environment; demonstration of high ethical standards; and continuous reflection on values.

Several of these are highlighted in the current issue as viewed through the lenses of students, professors, network directors, and programme coordinators.  

Feature article - “In the manner of Beethoven’s quill”: Composers, computers, and the redefinition of music as an art form and practice
If you have ever wondered what one of the most famous composers of all time, Ludwig van Beethoven, would have done with an iPad, you will find Jason Cullimore’s article of interest. A Luther College High School graduate and award-winning composer, he is currently a Ph.D. student in the Faculty of Fine Arts, Interdisciplinary Studies, at the University of Regina. He has also taught a “Psychology of Music” course for Luther College in the past.

North American Interfaith Network Conference (NAIN)
The North American Interfaith Network Conference was held at Luther College from July 19-22, 2015 and organized by Dr. Brenda Anderson (Women’s and Gender Studies/Religious Studies). Her brief introduction is followed by three young adult scholars who each offer a personal reflection on their experiences at the conference: Shirin Ganji, Canada; Grace Patterson, USA; and Elías González Gómez, Mexico. For more, see the Fall 2015/Spring 2016 issue of the Luther Story.

Voluntary Sector Studies Network (VSSN)
The Voluntary Sector Studies Network, is a brand-new and exciting initiative at Luther College. Its founder and facilitator, Dr. Gloria DeSantis, and Dr. Mary Vetter, the acting director of VSSN, introduce us to this network which aims “to bring the people and organizations of the voluntary and nonprofit sector in Saskatchewan together with students and faculty and staff to make great things happen. And happening they are!”   

Writing across the Disciplines (WAD)
“Writing across the Disciplines” is also another initiative that was “born” at Luther College, albeit a few years ago. The WAD Coordinator assists instructors of specific Luther College courses in the development and delivery of writing-specific assignments and helps students improve their writing skills through in-class workshops, lectures, and one-on-one instruction. In his article Scott J. Wilson, the current WAD coordinator, admits that “writing is hard” and notes that “teaching writing is even harder”. As a pedagogue and scholar I have struggled with both tasks and found his ideas and suggestions very useful indeed.

Study Trip to Peru
Is your head spinning from all these acronyms? The pictures of the “Study Trip to Peru”, co-led in the spring of 2015 by Dr. Mark Anderson, will be a welcome change, I promise.    

Remembering Paul Antrobus
In August 2015, Luther College said farewell to Dr. Paul Antrobus who, I would argue, shaped this institution like none other before and after his official retirement as a professor of psychology in 2005. I remember meeting Paul during final exam time in December 2003 in – wait for it! – the Luther College Cafeteria kitchen: we had both volunteered our time for the famous “Luther Midnight Breakfast” cook-out, and he promptly proceeded to teach me how to flip eggs properly, when I told him that as a brand new hire, this was my first time! My brief write-up on Paul, entitled “Listen to your Life” (also the title of his unpublished book) is accompanied by a three cherished pictures of him which we dug up from the Luther College Archives. Fifty-one pictures were part of a PowerPoint presentation that was shown on the occasion of a celebration of Paul’s life on October 4, 2015 in Regina; we have linked a PDF for your convenience. A beautiful poem was read that afternoon as well, written by award-winning poet Gerry Hill. He retired earlier this year from his position of English instructor at Luther College. You may also wish to have a look at “Thinking and Choosing”, an article on the arms race written by Paul for the inaugural issue of FORUM ("Occasional Papers from Members of the Luther College Faculty"), published in the June 1984 issue of the Luther Story. Finally, Paul graces the cover of the Fall 2015/Spring 2016 issue of the Luther Story in which he is the subject of an excellent three-page article.

In closing I would like to thank everyone who contributed to this issue, especially the authors. I am also grateful to Dr. Richard Hordern, the other member of the editorial board, for his words of wisdom; Carla Flengeris (Luther College’s Library Coordinator) for putting together the material on Paul Antrobus; and, in particular, Michelle Clark (Manager of Alumni Relations, Development & Communications and Editor of the Luther Story) and Amber Peters (Alumni Relations, Development & Communications Assistant) for working their online “magic”, so Impetus “lives again” (as Scott J. Wilson put it so perceptively).