Gerry Hill

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Gerry Hill

Gerry Hill
LC 304

Gerald Hill is a poet who retired from Luther College at the University of Regina in 2015 but returns to teach a writing class once in a while. Born and raised in southern Saskatchewan, the son of two farm kids, one an army veteran who also taught school for many years in Saskatchewan, he believes in “a local pride” (in the words of W. C. Williams) as the site where the “universal” first registers. Widely published in literary journals and anthologies, he has published six books of poetry, two of which won the Saskatchewan Book Award for Poetry, and two nonfiction work, Their Names Live On: Remembering Saskatchewan’s Fallen in World War II (with Doug Chisholm) and Still A Round: A History of Regina’s Globe Theatre. He was Poet Laureate of Saskatchewan in 2016.

Courses Taught

ENGL 251 - Expository Writing
ENGL 252 - Creative Writing

Current Research and Community Work

  • Time Zones: A Brief History of Stan Still (a manuscript of poems about, and in the voice of, a character known as Stan Still, who has appeared in G.Hill’s previous three books)
  • Said and Done: Studies in Time and Motion (a memoir)
  • Oak Floors! (a musical about love in a time of loneliness)

Selected Recent Academic Publications

Line Dance. (editor, anthology of poems) Regina: Burton House Books, 2016.

Still a Round: A History of Regina’s Globe Theatre. Regina: Coteau, 2015.

Hillsdale Book (poems). Edmonton: NeWest Press, 2015.

14 Tractors.  Edmonton: NeWest Press, 2009.

My Human Comedy.  Regina: Coteau, 2008.