English-Science Bundle

Did You Know?

  • You can book a tour of Luther College, the U of R campus, and our student residence, The Student Village at Luther College, any time throughout the year. Contact our Recruitment Office at 1-306-206-2117.

  • Wondering where to live? Our student residence, The Student Village at Luther College, is considered a great choice for first-year student accommodation. Individual private rooms mean you can stick to your own schedule and you never have to deal with roommate hassles.

  • Every degree program at Luther College offers a study abroad option and an optional experiential learning component where you gain real world experience and get paid while going to school!

  • Living in The Student Village at Luther College, our student residence, comes with a choice of healthy, nutritious meal plans. That means no grocery shopping, no meals to cook, and no dirty dishes to worry about. You can focus on your studies and wellness!

  • Luther College is recognized for its high standards of teaching, focused research, and one-on-one academic advising. We value and protect this heritage of excellence in scholarship, freedom of inquiry, and faithful seeking after truth.

  • Our student residence, The Student Village at Luther College, welcomes residents from ALL post-secondary institutions in Regina. Rooms come with a meal plan, free laundry, free wi-fi, and a great sense of community.

  • Luther College offers Bundles programs that group together first-year students and classes to give you a great start and help ease the transition from high school to university.

  • The priority deadline for academic application is March 15. To book a personalized enrolment counselling appointment, contact our Recruitment Office at 1-306-206-2117.

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English-Science Bundle

  • Uniquely designed for Biology, Biochemistry, Chemistry majors and pre-professional health science students (Dentistry, Medicine, Nutrition, Occupational Therapy, Optometry, Pharmacy, Veterinary Medicine).
  • Required Biology, Chemistry, and English courses bundled for easy registration and scheduling.
  • Your English courses focus on scientific themes in literature and technical writing and research for the natural sciences. You will learn to write with clarity, precision, and effectiveness - important tools for scientists.
  • Engage in important discussions around ethics and what it means to be a science professional.

What courses will I take?

Fall Semester:

English 100
Biology 100 (and lab)
Chemistry 104 (and lab)
Optional Math 110 or elective course
Optional elective course

Winter Semester:

English 110
Biology 101 (and lab)
Chemistry 105 (and lab)
Optional Chemistry 140 (and lab) or elective course
Optional elective course







Student Testimonials:

"I found English & Science to be a great way to start university. It gave me structure, with several courses that I needed grouped together, making registering easier. I also met several people who had similar interests and goals, some whom I am still friends with now in my fourth year. Overall the program removed some of the stress and anxiety that comes with beginning university and gave me a very good foundation."

"In English, I liked the focus on science in literature. It helped to orient me towards a more scientific manner of writing."

How do I enroll?

First, apply to your program of choice! Once you're admitted, you'll have a chance to book an appointment to meet with our advisors. The bundle is filled on a first-come, first-served basis once registration opens. Let your academic advisor know you want to be a part of the bundle cohort.

For more information about this program, please contact Luther’s Academic Office in LC 200 by phone at 1-306-585-5444 or by email at Luther.Registration@uregina.ca.