Steve Haddad (2024)

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Steve Haddad

For over thirty years as a faculty member, and in the years since his retirement, Steve Haddad has generously and faithfully served the Luther College students and community. Beginning in January 1984, Steve spent the ensuing 31 years teaching chiefly English and IB English in ways which impacted students into their adult lives. Alumni frequently refer to him as a “quintessential academic English teacher” who well prepared them for post-secondary pursuits.

Steve served numerous needs and people beyond those of “regular” teaching duties. He helped construct the Royal Street and Christ Lutheran boardwalks, the courtyard deck, and musical sets, to name but a few. He also aided with the paving stone pathways and common area on the school’s west side. Beyond construction projects, Steve often taught overloads—without pay—to help colleagues or students in need. He served as the teacher advisor of the school newspaper, The Tatler, and of the annual ski trip that often included many dorm students. In 1986, he helped pilot the IB program and established the English Emeriti Scholarship in honour of teachers such as Wayne Kallio, Mark Winkler and Jeannette Kuiper (and those who came before and after) who nurtured the English department’s reputation for excellence.

However, the nature and depth of Steve’s dedicated service is perhaps best illustrated by three contributions: his formation and growth of the Service Club, where he and students would participate in volunteer work in North Central Regina. Secondly, he helped the school transition to the computer age. Whether it was making devices available to students, or developing the College’s web-based student data system, Steve volunteered thousands of hours of his time. Last, but probably most illustrative of Steve’s approach to service, were his questions of, “Is there a student in need who doesn’t qualify for our usual sources of aid? I’d like to offer financial support.” To this end, he also took the lead creating and contributing to a student assistance fund.

Steve Haddad is a most deserving recipient of the Distinguished Service Award. We also thank his family--children Zachary (HS’06, U’13), Cassie (HS’01, U’07), wife Audrey, and mother Susan--for patiently supporting his exceptional contributions of time, energy and money to a grateful Luther College community.