Transfer Credit

Did You Know?

  • Our student residence, The Student Village at Luther College, welcomes residents from ALL post-secondary institutions in Regina. Rooms come with a meal plan, free laundry, free wi-fi, and a great sense of community.

  • The priority deadline for academic application is March 15. To book a personalized enrolment counselling appointment, contact our Recruitment Office at 1-306-206-2117.

  • Luther College is a great choice for high school to university transition. Enjoy all the benefits of a larger campus, without feeling lost in the crowd. Our community is full of caring mentors and peers to ensure a positive student experience.

  • Luther students can register in Arts, Science, or Media, Art, and Performance. Luther students are U of R students and receive a U of R degree.

  • Smaller class sizes at Luther College means more individualized attention and better connections with your professors, classmates, and academic advisors.

  • You can book a tour of Luther College, the U of R campus, and our student residence, The Student Village at Luther College, any time throughout the year. Contact our Recruitment Office at 1-306-206-2117.

  • Luther College students are eligible for nearly $100,000 in academic awards – in addition to scholarships and bursaries awarded by the U of R.

  • Luther College is recognized for its high standards of teaching, focused research, and one-on-one academic advising. We value and protect this heritage of excellence in scholarship, freedom of inquiry, and faithful seeking after truth.

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Transfer Credit

If you have taken courses at another university or college, you might be eligible for transfer credit. Your Luther advisor will do a transfer credit evaluation, usually at your first academic advising meeting.

If you want to take a course at another university or college, you need a Letter of Permission. Your Luther advisor will help you work through the steps.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much transfer credit will I get?

The number of transfer credits you receive depends upon what faculty you are in (Luther Arts, Luther Media, Art, and Performance, Luther Science, or Luther La Cité), grades received, and your U of R degree program. Your Luther advisor will oversee the process and make sure you get the maximum transfer. See transfer credit at the U of R for details. You can also check the transfer credit course equivalents database for an unofficial list of universities and transfer credits.

When will my transfer credit be evaluated?

Luther advisors review transfer credit regularly except during peak registration periods when they are reviewed monthly. You will receive a preliminary evaluation at your first advising appointment. Confirmation of finalized credit is usually sent within four weeks. International evaluations and those requiring additional course information can take longer.

Can I get transfer credit for AP or IB courses I took in high school?

Many students receive transfer credit for Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate courses. Please mention these courses when you first meet with your Luther advisor.

How do I get permission to take a course at another university?

A Letter of Permission (LOP) authorizes you to take a course or courses at another college or university (called the host institution) and specifies U of R transfer credit. You will send one copy to the host institution with your application for admission and one copy will remain in your Luther student file. Make an appointment with a Luther advisor to begin this process.

How do I register as a visiting student at another institution?

You will apply for admission as a visiting student at the institution you want to attend. Most institutions will require your letter of permission. You must follow their application deadlines and registration procedures. Remember that some faculties require grades of 60% or higher to be eligible for credit. 

How do I get my course transferred back to my U of R degree?

You must arrange for an official transcript to be sent to Enrolment Services, University of Regina, Regina SK, S4S 0A2. The transcript will be forwarded to the Luther College Academic Office for evaluation and your transferred course credit will be added to your academic record.

Can you tell me what transfer credit I'll get at another university for my U of R courses?

No, unfortunately we don’t have this information. The institution you are transferring to will assess your University of Regina courses once you have provided them with an official transcript and you have been admitted to a program. Remember to keep your syllabi as they may request copies for your transfer credit evaluation.