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Did You Know?

  • Luther students can register in Arts, Science, or Media, Art, and Performance. Luther students are U of R students and receive a U of R degree.

  • Luther College students are U of R students and receive all the same benefits. Upon graduation you will receive a U of R degree.

  • Luther College is a great choice for high school to university transition. Enjoy all the benefits of a larger campus, without feeling lost in the crowd. Our community is full of caring mentors and peers to ensure a positive student experience.

  • Our student residence, The Student Village at Luther College, welcomes residents from ALL post-secondary institutions in Regina. Rooms come with a meal plan, free laundry, free wi-fi, and a great sense of community.

  • Luther College offers Bundles programs that group together first-year students and classes to give you a great start and help ease the transition from high school to university.

  • Luther College appeals to students who want to study in a safe, nurturing, and inclusive environment. We welcome students of all faiths, ethnicities, backgrounds, religions, genders, and sexual orientations.

  • Luther College students are eligible for nearly $100,000 in academic awards – in addition to scholarships and bursaries awarded by the U of R.

  • Eating better means studying better. The Luther Cafeteria offers fresh, healthy, nutritious meals seven days a week with a self-serve “all-you-care-to-eat” concept students prefer.

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Request a Tour of The Student Village at Luther College

Simply fill out the form below to request a in-person tour of The Student Village at Luther College. Have questions about meal plans, prices, or anything else? We would be more than happy to answer these questions and more during your appointment.

Please note: Responses to your request will come via email.  Please save to your safe sender list, or be sure to check your spam or promotions folders for our reply.

Request a Tour of The Student Village at Luther College

QUESTIONS? Contact or 1-306-585-5333.

Personal information on this form is collected pursuant to the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (“PIPEDA”) and The Local Authority Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act ("LAFOIP"). Luther College at the University of Regina will use your information for all administrative and academic matters and your information may be shared with the University of Regina.

Your information will remain confidential, and will only be used or disclosed as authorized under PIPEDA/LAFOIP.


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